Harry goes to the dentist (Dentist)

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Authors Note: I decided to do a dental imagine. Please vote, gimme feed back and prompts.

Harrys POV

I woke up this morning to only feel a dull ache in my jaw. Eh might slept on the wrong side I said to myself and ignored it. I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth, washed my face and took a shower. After I got dressed, I went downstairs and saw all the boys sitting on the couch. 

"Hey Harry" they all said at once.

"Thats creepy, stop" I told them

"Oh sorry" Louis replied

I just hummed and sat down. Louis was right beside me so I put the side of my face on his lap trying to lay down on the couch as I was already tired but that didn't workout as I thought it would. My tooth started hurting worse and I winced only for Louis to notice. 

Louis POV

As soon as Harry put his head in my lap he winced. Hmm

"Haz whats wrong" I asked

"Nothing, I am perfectly fine" he replied a bit too fast. 

"Really Haz?" "Just tell us the truth"

"No I am not goi- AAAHHH" Harry screamed and held the right side of his mouth.

"K, Harry open up and let me see how bad it is, Zayn call the dentist and make an appointment for today." I said.

"NO I AM FINE" Harry screamed.

"Zayn hold on, don't call them for now".

I moved from the couch only for Harry to fist my shirt and cling to me.

"Haz, baby let go"

"No, I wanna be with you"

"I am right here, just lay down on the couch"

Haz finally laid on the couch and I took out my iphone and turned the flashlight on

"K, Haz open up" I instructed.

He shook his head and sealed his lips.

"Come on I wont touch. I just need to see how bad it is. Please Haz" I begged him. After a moments of consideration, Harry opened his mouth

I quickly looked inside and saw that he had a cavity and swollen gum on the bottom right side of his mouth

"Ok, you can close your mouth. Zayn call the dentist"

"NO" harry screamed.

Liam and Niall pinned him on the couch so he wouldnt run away. 

"guys please let me go" he started sobbing

"Oh baby Haz, you'll be fine I will be with you the whole time all of us will be there for you. You need to go before it gets worse"

He just nodded 

"I got an appointment in half an hour and it takes 20 min to get there so lets go now" Zayn replied.

With a lot of struggles we got Harry in the car and sat him in the middle so there would be no chance of him running away.

Harrys POV

I don't want to go at all, Like seriously come on. The worse part is my sister is my dentist and she is 23 while I am only 16. I dont want to go it'll hurt so much and my sister is so strict. She will kill the living hell out of me. 

"c'mon Haz we're here" Louis said.

"Oh ok"

 We all climbed out to the car and went in the waiting room where my sister was waiting for us and she took us all back into the exam room where I laid down in the chair.

I wanted to fight with my sister but my mouth was hurting too  much so I did as she asked.

"Ok, open up"

I complied and she ran her tools by my teeth and then tapped the tooth that was hurting.

"Harry, I am gonna pull that tooth because it's gonna hurt you too much  later. Its already infected." she said and I didn't think twice but headed for the door. Louis and Zayn caught me and out me on the chair where my sister was waiting with a weird board. The next thing I knew is that I am being tied down. My mouth is held open with a device and my sister is bringing a needle towards my mouth. I screamed but soon fainted.

I woke up to be in the car.


"Shhh Haz you are fine, go to sleep"

I just nodded because my mouth hurt a lot and it hurt too much to talk so I went to sleep.

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