Imagine for Jlillian

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Jen's POV

"POPCORN!" I yelled making Harry cover his ears as we were watching a movie. "Jen, my ears love" He said. I chuckled and got up form the couch to get the popcorn but Harry, my boyfriend pulled me back. "Jen, I know you just got braces but me and Louis told you. You CANNOT have Popcorn or any gooey substance" He lectured. "That's not fair!" I whined. "I'm sorry love" He said hugging me. He suddenly got up and excused himself to go to the bathroom. You see, I already made popcorn but he doesn't know. They are in the kitchen. I rushed there and stuffed a lot of popcorn in my mouth and threw the rest out. There wasn't much because it was a small packet. Ow!!! I felt something snap and then it cut my lip. What could it be? Ughh my braces. I made my way back to the living room where Harry was sitting and just looking at me when I sat beside him. "Are you alright? you look like you're in pain" Harry said. I nodded because it hurt too much to speak so I just snuggled into him. He frowned and curled up his finger under my chin making me look at him. "I'm -f-fi-ne" I stuttered. Ughh now he'll know somethings wrong for sure. "Smile for me darling" He said tilting my head a little bit. I shook my head and ran from the living room to our shared bedroom. I locked it and sat on the bed holding my mouth. Suddenly, I heard a 'click' and the door open. "I have a key" He said smirking. I just didn't want to tell him because he will take me to the dentist which is basically him and my brother Louis and then they'd lecture me. He came and sat on the bed and made me face him again. "Tell me the truth kitten" He said softly. "some of my brackets broke" I said while looking down. He moved from the bed then sat in the middle with his legs crossed and patted his lap for me to come and sit in. I shook my head knowing that he wanted to take a look. "Baby, come on" He pushed. I slowly laid down on our bed and put my head in his lap. He tapped my plum lips asking me to open but I refused. "Please babe. I am just going to look. Not touching, I promise. Now open wide for me" He said. I shut my eyes tightly and opened my mouth as much as I could. "Good job kitten" He praised and looked inside my mouth. "Oh, I see the problem. You broke some brackets. Would you like to tell me how?" He asked as I closed my mouth and he removed his fingers from my mouth. "Uh I-- I was ea-tin-g a s--sa-sandw-ich. Yea a sandwich when this happened!" I said.

Harry's POV

I knew that Jen had popcorn. She mustered up all the confident and told me she broke it while eating a sandwich. "Jen, I would like the truth please" I spoke. Tears started spilling out of her eyes and she hugged me. "Oh, my kitten! shhh I am just going to call Louis and then we'll fix'em right up" I said. "No! Please Haz, It'll hurt. It already does" She said. "I know babe" I said and kissed her temple.  I got my phone out and called Louis. "Hey... yeah, Jen just broke her brackets eating something... in 10 minutes?... yea it works for me... see you there... bye" I said and ended the call. I knew Jen would throw a big fit so I just picked her up myself and put her shoes on. She started kicking so I couldn't and yelled at me. "No no no Haz! No!" She screamed. "Babe, Louis will fix them. I promise I will be by your side (when the impossible rises up. sorry. I am listening to Carry on by olivia holt and it just came up) 24/7" I said. "Promise?" She asked. "Promise" I repeated. I carried her out to to the car and drove to the office. I turned off the car and got out of the car standing up. I went to Jen's side and opened the door to see her crying. "Babe, I told you. everything will be fine!" I said picking her up again. I carried her inside the office into exam room number 2 and saw Louis there with his gloves and coat on. He saw Jen crying and went to hug her. "Oh, baby girl. I promise it'll be quick" He said stroking her hair. He set Jen down in the chair and I sat on another chair beside her holding her hand. Louis wore his mask and brought the light down on Jen's mouth. "Open up baby girl" He cooed holding a mirror above her mouth. She opened her mouth and Louis started checking her teeth first. Jen suddenly closed her mouth shut and turned away from him. "Babe, you know you cant do that while a dentist is working. You could've gotten hurt" I said. She quickly got up and ran outside of the room. "JEN!" I screamed and ran after her. I caught onto her waist and carried her over my shoulder to the room again. This time I first sat in the chair then put her on top of me and wrapped my arms around her waist so it restrains her from running away. "Haz pleaaa" While she was saying that Louis forced a mouth prop in her mouth. She tried to squirm but I wrapped my legs around hers and held her tighter. "Shhh. I am so sorry for doing this but I need to so you can get better" I whispered and started humming 'little things' in her ear. "Well, you broke 2 brackets. How?" Louis asked and took his tools out and the mouth prop. Jen was calmed down by now. "I ate a sandwich and they broke" She said. "Uh and yeah, I brushed 3 times everyday but got cavities" Louis sassed. "I am serious" She said. "I am being honest too" He sassed again. "Ok fine. I had popcorn" She said looking down. "After I told you not to.." I remarked. "Yea" She whispered. "Ok let me fix this mess" Louis said and got his tools prepped. "So no lecture..." She asked hopefully. "Oh you are getting a long one later missy. Now open up or do I have to insert the prop again?" He asked. She wildly shook her head and opened her mouth. "Wow, I've never seen anyone open so wide" Louis chuckled and inserted his mirror inside her mouth. Jen tried to close her mouth but Louis held it open with one hand and gave her a stern look. Louis removed the brackets and replaced them with new ones and put a new wire in again. "There all done! Now was that something you had to throw a tantrum over?" Louis asked and Jen nodded 'yes'. "Can we go home now Harry?" She asked. "Oh, no! you missy listen!" Louis said and started his lecture. He got this piece of paper out and then started. "Now I told you, you can't have any sticky things like gummy bears, gummy worms, candy, sour patch, snickers, gum ect..  You cant have anything too hard either like lollipops and popcorn. Now Harry will remove all those things from your reach. You are not going to have any of those things and more. This list shows it all. ok? I am only doing this because its the best for you. Now promise me that you wont eat anything like those foods" Louis lectured. "Promise Louis" She said. "Good. I love you princess" He said and hugged her. I joined in on the hug. I love Louis and Jens relationship. 

AN: Hello! I hope you like this imagine. Dont forget to vote!!! Love you guys! xxx.

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