Chapter 3

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Lauren's POV

Her date's Keaton? Out of all the people in LA she came with Keaton. This is ridiculous. The owner gave me the cue to start the show. I cleared my throat and fixed the microphone.

"Hello, my name is Lauren and I'll be singing a few songs for you guys, if that's okay." I winked and eveyone's eyes were on me, I saw Logan glance at Camila, his eyes widened when he saw Keaton. He started to laugh uncontrollably; he had to excuse himself out of the coffee house.
I took a deep breath and proceeded.

"First song I'll sing is American by Lana del Rey."

The gig lasted about an hour, everyone loved it and the owner even asked me if he could book me again next week. I accepted and got my pay and I escaped through the back of the coffee house.

I went to a secluded spot, there was a bench and next to it was a big tree, I reached into my pocket taking out a cigarette, I felt anxious not having one since morning, I lit it and took in a long puff, I exhaled slowly and sighed in relieve, just one puff makes me feel so relaxed, like if nothing really mattered, which is probably why it's so hard for me to stop.

"You know? Smoking is really bad for you."

"Excuse me?" I took another drag and turned around and saw it was Camila, I was surprised to see her and I accidently swallowed some of the smoke in my mouth causing me to cough and choke, she rushed over by me and rubbed my back as I tried to recompose myself.

"God that's awful." I said softly enough for her not to hear me. I coughed a few more times and stood up straight.

"You have an amazing voice; you shouldn't ruin it by smoking." She pat my back and I pursed my lips.

"You alright?" She asked laughing.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I croaked out, my throat stung.

"So you liked the show?" I asked clearing my throat; she stepped away from me and walked over to the tree to lean against it.

"Yes, I did. You're amazing." She smiled.

"So, that guy you were with... Keaton, is he your boyfriend?" I asked well it slipped out I was restraining myself to do so but I was extremely curious.

"You know Keaton?" I nodded and went over to her; I leaned against the tree next to her. "Um, yeah we were just hanging out; I met him a few days ago. He's just a friend. He's nice." I rolled my eyes and played with the cigarette in my hand.

"Oh... Cool. Him and I sort of had a thing a while back but it's over now." I put the cigarette in-between my lips and took a drag, Camila backed away from me and scrunched her face up and shook her head.

"If you're going to talk to me you better put that thing out." She covered her nose and I looked down, I looked up at her and gave her a crooked smiled, I took in one last drag and put the cigarette out and threw it in the trash next to the bench.

"I'm trying to stop anyway." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"How long have you been smoking?" She asked coming closer to me.

"Hm... about 2 years, I started it because I guess it was popular at the time, I did it to look cool but I regret it because it's extremely addicting, anyway, how'd you meet Keaton ?" I said and she nodded.

"I ran into him at the building last week, actually he was standing right in front of your door." I scoffed and crossed my arms.

"What the hell was he doing there ?" I asked annoyed.

"I don't know, ask him. Did you two end badly or something; you seem to be very fond of him." She said sarcastically. I laughed and rubbed my neck.

"Keaton was an ass, he was very intense, he's way too cocky, he thought he was hot shit but in reality he's a just shitty person and a pansy." I said and she looked at me tilting her head to the side.

"Good thing I wasn't planning on dating him." She said.

"You should tell him that, I don't think he would figure it out on his own." I winked and walked towards the entrance of The Bean.

"Hey Lauren? I'm the type of person that likes to get to know her neighbors." I stopped and smiled.

"So, there's a good pizza place downtown, it just opened. You and Logan should come with me sometime." I turned and nodded. "I'd love to."

Logan came out of the coffee house with my guitar in one hand and Emma wrapped around his other arm.

"Lauren, you should let me borrow your guitar sometime, to just carry it around, it makes me 10 times more attractive." He smiled and Emma laughed.

"Oh sure it does." I said yanking it out of his hand. He looked at Camila and chuckled. I glared at him and he bit his lip.

Keaton walked out and looked at me but quickly looked down and rushed over by Camila. There was an awkward silence broken by a sigh.

"I can't, I'm going to laugh again, so I'll meet you in the apartment Lauren." Logan said, he waved at Camila and walked past them, he left hand in hand with Emma.

I turned to Keaton and gave him fake smile.

"Okay... you two have a good night." I said quickly and walked past them.

"That was a great show Lauren." I heard Keaton say.

I raised my hand a waved back while still walking forward. "Yup." I said and caught up with Logan and Emma, I smacked the back of his head and he whined rubbing his head.

"How subtle, you ass. Why are you so stupid?" I said scolding him.

"Oh please Lauren, that was fucking hilarious and you have to admit it, out of all the people in fucking California she brings him, KEATON, to your gig, I mean c'mon!" he laughed and Emma nodded.

"It's true Lauren, what were the chances of that happening?"

"Emma! Why are you siding with him?" I whined and pouted.

"She's my girlfriend; she should always be on my side." He said proudly.

"Oh sure, Mr. I like to stare at Camila's ass."

"Logan!" Emma said smacking his chest.

"I'm sorry, okay? And I didn't stare! I was just pointing it out." He said looking down.

"She does have a great ass though..." Emma said bumping shoulders with Logan.

"Yes she does..." I said.

The rest of the walk was silent, you'd think it was an uncomfortable silence since I was the third wheel and also because of the comments on Camila's ass but the silence was comfortable and pleasant, Emma has that effect on people, she makes you feel nice and she's like a sister to me, she's an amazing girl and Logan's a lucky little guy.

Logan and Emma were hanging out in the living room watching a movie, I went in my room and changed into grey sweats and a white tank top that rose a bit to show my abs, I then went outside for some fresh air. I took out the box of cigarettes and set it down on the table and looked at it, as much as I wanted to grab one I didn't, not only because it was horrible for me but a bit because Camila didn't like it, yes that's silly since I barely now the girl but I don't know I just thought it would be better if I stopped.

I looked down at the street, it was pretty empty, there weren't many people or cars going by, I spotted Keaton and Camila by the entrance of the building, Camila pet his shoulder and walked inside, Keaton twirled around and stuck his hands in his pockets and picked his head up and turned to look up, I ran back inside before he could see me and tripped in my way in almost falling.

"You okay there, Lauren?" Emma asked and I nodded shutting the balcony door.

"Yeah, Keaton just dropped Camila off; by the way she invited us out for pizza." I sat down in my arm chair and picked my legs up hugging my knees to my body.

"Oh cool, when?" "I don't know she didn't say." There was a knock on the door and I lazily got up.

"Oh don't worry guys stay put, I'll get it." I said sarcastically since neither Emma or Logan budged. I opened the door.

"Hey you." I said.

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