Chapter 30

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Lauren's POV

We stepped into my apartment carrying cans of paint, the color of the walls in this place were horrid so Camila was going to help me paint today since she didn't go into work and I had no gig's planned.

"I skipped work for this." She put the cans she was carrying down and placed her hand on her forehead.

"Oh what a shame." I put the cans I was carrying next to hers and she put her fingers in my belt loops and pulled me close to her.

"Just leave it like this and continue living at my apartment." I smiled and kissed the tip of her nose as I put my hands in the back pockets of her jeans.

"No it's been almost a month since I've been there."

A couple of weeks have passed since the party at Logan's apartment. Camila and I have gotten over our little differences which weren't really a big deal in the first place; we've been inseparable ever since. I even started to help out at her shop and I've gotten to know her uncle, he is a really chill man and very fun to be around, he's really supportive of Camila and me. They've been teaching me their baking ways, well mostly making fun of me because I can't make a good batch of cookies.

I've been sort of living with Camila, the 3 am calls asking to cuddle came more frequently so I just decided to spend most of the nights with her and mostly because I didn't want to switch buildings or unpack my stuff but I thought I'd give this place a try.

"So... keep it that way. I like you over there not here." She kissed my neck softly and I chuckled lightly.

"Camzi I can't." She looked down and played with my belt loops.

"Please? You're my pillow." She pouted and took her fingers out of my belt loops; she placed her hands on my shoulders and gave them a small squeeze.

"And I enjoy being your pillow but I want to fix this place up." I kissed her forehead and pulled away from her and unbuttoned my jeans.

"What are you doing?" She asked as her eyes widened.

"Relax; I'm going to change into my painting clothes." I took off my jeans and picked them up throwing them over my shoulder, she looked me up and down and I smirked.

"I don't want to paint." She said crossing her arms.

"Too bad." I walked off to the bedroom and tossed the jeans on the bed. I took out some old shorts and put them on. I put my hair up in a bun and switched into an old grey shirt that had a couple holes on it.

"Put on some pants at least." I turned and saw Camila leaning against the doorway. I rolled my eyes and took out some shorts and tossed them towards her, she caught them and started to take her pants off.

"Good girl." I winked and walked past her to the living room. I opened up the paint cans and poured some into a couple of containers; I then took out the paint rollers and sat on the floor waiting for Camila. Shortly after she came out of my room in the shorts I threw at her, one of my white shirts and her hair was up in a messy ponytail that I loved. She gave me a cheeky smile and I stood up handing her the roller. She grabbed it and gave me a bored expression.

"You're so fun to be around." I said dipping the roller and began to paint the wall.

"I am." She started painting the wall next to me and she hummed lightly. I smiled but I could see a little spark in her eye, a mischievous look. I shrugged it off and continued to paint.

"Just leave it like this, it looks lovely." She backed away and I turned to look at the wall. She had painted a heart and put our initials in the middle. I laughed and nodded.

"Yes, of course." I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind carefully so I wouldn't get paint on her, I kissed the back of her neck and she rested her head back on my shoulder.

"Can you believe we're going to be together a month in a couple of days." She said and I smiled against her neck.

"Yeah, I'm already getting your gift together." I placed one more kiss on her neck before letting go of her and going back to painting.

"What is it?"

"It's a surprise."

I felt her roll the paint roller on my back and I let out a breath and closed my eyes. I slowly turned around and saw that she had ran to the other side of the living room.

"Camila." I said dipping the roller into the container.

"Hi." She waved at me and covered her mouth giggling.

"Come here." I walked up to her slowly and she started to move back a bit more until she hit the corner of the room. I ran up to her and cornered her, I rolled the paint roller and her cheek and she laughed and pushed me away.

She threw the roller on the floor and dipped her hand in the paint can. I ran towards her and threw my paint roller aside and picked her up, she put her hand that was full of paint on my face and I huffed and put her down. I dipped both hands in the cans and ran towards her, she ran away from me laughing but I caught up to her grabbing her waist and pulling her towards me, I turned her around and wiped my hands on the side of her face, she gasped and pinched my stomach hard.

"Rude." I grabbed her butt and picked her up, her legs wrapped around my waist as I pressed her up against the freshly painted wall. She smirked and poked my nose with her painted hand, I wiggled it and she giggled.

"Tell me." She said.

"No." She frowned and rest her forehead against mine.


"Just wait a couple of days."

"What is it?" She pressed the tip of her nose against mine and puckered her lips having them graze mine.

"I can't say." I mumbled against her lips. She kept her lips like that close to mine and then her face broke out into a smile.

"Fine, I'll wait." She then pouted and I closed the space between us capturing her lips in a soft kiss, my legs were beginning to get tired so I walked away from the wall and squeezed her butt causing her to unwrap her legs. She put her hands on my neck as I ran my tongue on her bottom lip, she opened her mouth slightly and I tilted my head to the side deepening the kiss, she slid her hand up to my hair band and yanked on it until it was off making my hair fall freely on my back. She pulled away and took a deep breath and smiled. I looked into her eyes and her head found the crook of my neck, I held her close to me and in that moment I knew I wanted this for a long run. I knew I wanted to be by her side at all times. I wanted to wake her up with kisses in the morning and run her baths and give her massages when she's tired. I love her. And I couldn't help those 3 words that slipped out of my mouth.

"I love you."

I felt her tighten her grip on me and she looked up, she smiled slightly and her cheeks turned red, she bit down on her bottom lip and looked into my eyes.

"You're an idiot." She said smacking cheek softly.

"I don't mind it." I smacked her cheek back softly and she leaned in kissing me tenderly. She quickly deepened the kiss; I moaned as her tongue rubbed softly against mine, she then sighed into my mouth slowly as my hands got lost in her hair. She pulled away slightly, her lips still pressed against mine. She took a deep breath and pulled away, calming her breathing. I opened my eyes and she was looking right at me with a small smile.

She twirled around and grabbed the paint roller again and walked past me to her wall, I didn't know what to really do, maybe it was a mistake saying that. Maybe it was too soon, what if she didn't feel the same way and now I just made her feel bad. I sighed and grabbed the paint roller again and painted over the imprint of Camila's back on the wall. I heard her clear her throat and I turned around.
She had painted 'I love you too' on the wall, she smiled sweetly and I tilted my head to the side and gave her a nod.

"I really do love you." She said and I blushed and looked down. I dropped the paint brush and I walked up to her slowly, she smirked and ran up to me tackling me down to the ground.

"I wanted to say it first." She said positioning herself on top of me.

"Beat ya." I winked and she crashed her lips on mine.

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