Chapter 36

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Lauren's POV

"Camz the taxi is waiting." I shouted as I fixed my beanie and scarf in the mirror and then put on my parka as I waited for Camila to finish getting ready. I had a date planned tonight, I'm going to take her to the Rockefeller Center for ice skating, they just put the tree up so I thought it would be nice, afterwards we can go for some cupcakes and hot chocolate.

Camila rushed out of the bathroom fixing her hair, she grabbed the pea coat I had bought her yesterday when we went shopping, she then fixed one of my beanies on her head and twirled around before walking up to me with a big grin on her face.

"You look beautiful." I said draping an arm around her lower back and pulling her close to me so our bodies were touching, I placed my other hand on her chest and slowly moved it up to her shoulder, she smiled cheekily and I gave her an Eskimo kiss causing her to giggle, she cupped my cheeks and parted her lips slightly before pulling me in for a kiss, we lingered until we heard a few honks coming from outside. I pulled away and grabbed Camila's hand intertwining our fingers. We rushed outside and almost slipped on some ice as we were walking towards the taxi, I opened the door for Camila and she kissed my cheek before getting in.

"Since you guys were taking long I already started the meter." The grumpy taxi driver said and I gave him a blank stare as I got in.

"No problem, to the Rockefeller center please." I smiled sweetly and extended my arm out so Camila could cuddle into me. We shared a few laughs and kisses; we tried to annoy the crap out of the driver by making him change the radio stations or just being loud. We got to our destination and get out.

"This is so beautiful." Camila said looking around the Rockefeller Center with wide eyes and an agape mouth, I pushed her chin up with my finger and grabbed her hand again, she gave it a light squeeze and we walked towards the ice rink.

"I don't know how to skate." She whispered in my ear and I tittered and turned my face to her, she pouted and looked down, I pulled her closer to me and kissed her temple.

"I'll teach you."

"There are so many people though." She said pointing towards the rink, it looked like there were about 50 people in the rink, it was really crowded.

"You'll be okay; I'm right next to you so if you think you're going to fall just cling on to me." She sighed and nodded. We got our skates and slowly made our away to the rink. I got in first and skated towards the entrance and helped Camila in, her legs seemed to be shaking a bit and I laughed earning a glare from her.


"You're not sorry, I'm going to fall." I helped her closer to me and she grabbed my shoulder tightly.

"Babe, just take my hand, okay?" She slowly slid her hand down my arm and grabbed my hand tightly, I then started to skate and she tagged along now hugging my arm. We were close to the middle of the rink and she squeezed my arm.

"Shit Lauren stop." I stopped and turned my body to face her.

"Just glide." I let go of her and backed away about 3 feet. She then slowly started to glide towards me; she crashed into me making me skate back a bit as I caught her.

"Good job." I said nuzzling her neck and giving it light kisses, she giggled and placed her hands on my chest pushing me away.

"Okay, I think I got this." We started to skate slowly around the rink, we admired the people around us, some were alone, and others in groups, a few couple here and there. We started to pick up the pace when she felt more confident in her skating; we were arriving to a curve when she yanked on my arm.

"No no no." She said as she slowly collapsed on the rink and fell on her butt, I looked around quickly and fell too as I saw people beginning to look over at us, I spun around on my butt and scoot over by her.

"You didn't have to do that." She said crossing her arms and looking down with a blush.

"I lost my balance." I kissed her cold cheek and she shivered.

"Your lips are warm." She said with a lazy smile.

"My butt is cold."

"Mine is too." She laughed and I winked getting up, I helped her up and she wrapped her arms around my neck, mine snaked around her hips slowly sliding down to rub her butt.

"Poor baby." I said with a pout which she returned, I placed my hands on her hips and pulled in slowly grazing my cold nose against hers.

"I'm cold." She mumbled as my lips pressed against hers, her lips were warm and soft against mine; she smiled and cupped my cheeks, then slid her fingers down to my neck. I felt my body warm up a bit as her lips moved slowly and lazily against mine. I pulled away and kissed the tip of her nose.

"Do you want to keep skating?" I asked and she nodded and licked her lips.

"I'm the best skater here." She said clinging onto my arm as I began to skate again.

"I feel like I'm going to fall again." She said and I held her up and pulled her even closer to me.

"You know they sell really good hot chocolate here."

"That sounds so good right now." I skated towards the exit of the rink, we returned the skates and got our stuff, I then took her over to where they sold the hot chocolate.

"It feels so nice to be able to move without falling." She said wrapping her arms around me from behind and kissing my shoulder, I grinned and put my hands over hers.

"You're the best." She said and I turned around to face her and played with her hair.

"You're pretty okay." I nudged her chin and she scrunched up her face.

"You're really cute actually." I kissed her forehead and she hummed and closed her eyes.

We stepped inside the little café and ordered hot chocolate and cupcakes; we got our food and sat a nearby table. After we ate we walked around the center.

"One more day." She said and gave me a sad smile.

"Don't talk about it Camz." I looked down and she reached over moving my hair from my neck, she stopped and pressed a light kiss below my earlobe before resting her head on it, I hugged her close and rubbed her back up and down, I then felt something wet hit the bridge of my nose, I looked up and saw that it was starting to snow. I squeezed her side and she looked up and squeezed an eyes shut.


"Snowflake in your eye?" I asked and she pouted.

"Yeah." She whined, rubbed her eye carefully and kissed her eyebrow, we walked down the sidewalk and waited for a taxi to pass by but the streets were pretty dead. There were small piles of snow on the side of the wide sidewalk, a few benches laid out. We looked up at the buildings and then I fell harshly on top of one of the piles of snow.

"Really!?" I said getting up and dusting myself off as Camila laughed and clapped proudly to herself. I walked up her and picked her up and threw her in the same pile she pushed me into.

"Lauren my hair!" She whined getting up.

I shrugged and called a taxi that was about to pass by over, he flashed his headlights at me and pulled over. Camila got up and ran towards me and smacked my arm softly while laughing. I opened the door to the taxi and she got in with a thump, I got in after home and we made our way to the studio.

We got to the studio and I took my parka off and threw it on the couch, Camila went into the bathroom with some of my clothes as I changed into my pajamas, I then went to my bed and went under the covers since it was really cold in the studio. Camila walked out of the bathroom wearing my crewneck and one of my pajama pants, she put her hair up in a bun and jumped on the bed, she then crawled over by me and went under the covers. She moved on top of me and kissed my collarbone as her hands rest beside me. She kissed up to my neck, then my jaw line.

"I had fun tonight." She said against my chin, I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her.

"Me too." She reached up and pecked my lips before rolling of me and curling into my side. I kissed the top of her head and closed my eyes waiting for sleep to take over me.

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