Chapter 14

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Lauren's POV

I could still feel her scent, her lips on mine, her touch... Everything about our little encounter. I couldn't wipe the I assume ridiculous smile I had on my face. I had just dropped her off at her apartment and I watched her walk inside, she glanced back once again and smiled before closing her door. Every time she looked at me my heart began to race, even just the thought of her, when we talk on the phone, even a simple text message to borrow some sugar or something simple. Just to know it came from her made me stomach tie up in knots.

The kiss, what else can I say about it? It was better than I ever imagined, I was still light headed from it and when she kissed me once we got to her door it took me over the edge, I felt as if I was walking on clouds, this isn't the first time I've really felt like this when kissing someone but with Camila everything is different, it's new. When I'm with her I'm at my happiest like if it was just me and her in our own little world. She's that type of person that makes you forget about anything wrong that may be going on in your life. Even when she's an annoying little brat she still makes you feel good. I don't know why, maybe just because she's extremely adorable. Her smile was a light in my cloudy dark mind; she was perfect in her own little way, at least to me.

I walked in to my apartment and locked the door behind me. I couldn't help the light humming that escaped from my lips as I slightly skipped into the kitchen. I felt Logan look up from what he was doing on the table; I winked at him and grabbed his face kissing his cheek.

"Um." He said as I messed his hair up and pinched his cheek softly.

"Are you drunk?" He asked and I laughed and squeezed his arm.


"Wait oh my god, you were with Camila!" He got up and grabbed my waist picking me up and placing me on the chair he was sitting on and he then sat on the chair across from me.

I looked at him weird and tried to process what he had just done but I didn't even care and I couldn't come up with anything to say to him about it.

"Sorry about that I got excited." He said as he rubbed his neck.

"So, did you kiss? What happened?"

"Oh nothing, I don't kiss and tell." I said with a smirk. He scoffed and quirked an eyebrow.

"Okay, yeah I guess you're more of the sleep with that person and tell, remember that time you told me about Dianna."

"Enough! Don't ruin my moment." I whined and he laughed.

"So you kissed!"

"Yeah..." I said softly as I looked down to hide the blush that crept on my cheeks. "It was amazing I don't know what else to say, it felt right. It's never really felt like that with anyone else."

"That's cute, just be careful." He got up from the chair and grabbed a cookie from a jar on the kitchen counter.


"I don't want you to get hurt and I can't beat Camila up if she hurts you." He said shyly and I shook my head.

"I am a big girl and either way I don't see her hurting me. I'm taking her on our first official date tomorrow." I said and he nodded.

"Good luck." He kissed my forehead and exited the kitchen.

Camila's POV

Being at the shop was bittersweet, I'm here loving what I do and finally doing what I dreamed of by opening my own shop but I hate being so busy, luckily I called my uncle who is the co-owner of Dolce and he's going to be taking over my shift for the rest of the day since I had a date planned with Lauren. Lauren... Her name brought butterflies to the pit of my stomach; the thought of her made my cheeks turn red and a smile appear on my face.

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