Chapter 27

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Lauren's POV

Tonight was going to be a big night; I took the liberty off doing a little redecorating in Camila's apartment while she was at work. I took the table that was in the kitchen and brought it out to the balcony, I set some candles in the middle of it and flowers. I put rose petals on her bed, cheesy I know but she'll love it. I put candles around her room too. I laid rose petals almost everywhere, I got excited. I made some dinner too, I'm not the best cook in the world but I wanted to do something nice for Camila.

After everything was ready I went to my apartment to take a shower and get dressed, I did my hair and makeup, I went back to Camila's apartment and put our food in plates, only to be taken to the balcony, everything was ready. I walked over to Camila's shop. The shop was already closed, she was wiping some tables, she looked tired, I knocked on the door and she looked up quickly, she smiled wide and ran over to the door. She unlocked it and I wrapped my arms around her lifting her up and walking all the way inside the shop. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek.

"Why do you look so pretty?" She asked pecking my lips.

"Well I have something especial planned for tonight." I set her down and she rubbed her neck.


"Yes, why?"

"I have plans tonight; Emily invited me to go to this gig with her and her friends."

Jealousy, not only jealousy but sadness filled my being. I didn't want to say no, that she should stay with me tonight because I said so. I didn't want to be that type of girlfriend. But I also did a lot to get ready for tonight. I shifted awkwardly and looked at her. I sucked up everything I wanted to say and nodded letting out a small sigh.

"Oh alright." She looked down and placed her hands on my shoulder.

"Well make a rain check, ok?" She kissed my cheek and we heard a knock behind us.

I turned around and I saw the blue eyed blonde, with that little smirk on her face that I saw last time. I didn't like her; just the sight of her irritated me. She waved at Camila and then looked at me, eyeing me up and down; she raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips.

"Leaving now?" I asked and Camila nodded.

"Yeah babe, I'll see you when I get home, okay?" She went on her tippy toes and kissed my cheek briefly, she started to walk away but I grabbed her arm and pulled her back to me, I lifted her chin up with my finger and leaned down connecting our lips, I moved my finger to cup her cheek with my hand and she melted into the kiss, her hands wrapped around my neck and I placed my hand on her waist, slowly rubbing up and down, I pulled away briefly before kissing her again. I didn't want it to be such an intense kiss to show off to little Blondie but I wanted to be close, intimate and loving. I didn't push anything on Camila, it was a simple closed mouth kiss, but everything about it was so perfect. The way our lips molded together, made me not want to pull away. The knock came once again and Camila pulled away. I rested my forehead on hers and she bit down on her bottom lip, eyes still closed.

"Bye Laur." She kissed me once more before opening to door for that girl.

"Hey Camila." She said with a smile.

"Hey Emily."

"Ready to go?"

"Yup." Camila stepped out of the shop and I stood there like an idiot waiting for her to introduce me to Emily. I chuckled to myself and shook my head before stepping out of the shop. I looked back at them, they were chatting and laughing together, they walked into the Bean and I rolled my eyes.

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