Chapter 40

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Camila's POV

It's been two days since those people moved into Lauren's apartment, I was in my kitchen standing by the window with a cup of coffee, I looked out of it to Lauren's kitchen, where she would usually be standing looking back at me. I saw the girl that moved in there come to view, her hair fell messily over her shoulder as she reached for a box, she then tensed up and turned to look out the window, she locked eyes with me and at this point I realized I was staring over there, I looked down at my mug and turned around quickly. I turned back to see if she was still looking and she was. She seemed to be counting the floors to my building she then disappeared into her apartment.
I put my cup in the sink and walked around my apartment aimlessly until I heard a knock on the door; I opened it and saw the girl from Lauren's apartment.

"Um hi." I said and she tilted her head as she looked at me, like a confused puppy.

"Hi, um you seem to look out your window a lot. It's been two days and I'm getting a bit uncomfortable." I felt my face heat up as embarrassment took over me, I shifted awkwardly from side to side and hesitantly looked up at her.

"I'm sorry my girlfriend used to live there."

"Oh, well that's still a bit weird?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry! Won't happen again." I laughed nervously and she nodded.

"Where'd your girlfriend go?" She asked.

"She moved to New York." I said softly and she put a hand through her hair in a way that reminded me a lot of Lauren, her blue eyes locked with mine. She looked at me sympathetically and bit the corner of her mouth.

"Oh I understand. I had to break up with my boyfriend because of distance, too." She said and I shook my head.

"We're not broken up; we can do the distance." I said crossing my arms and furrowing my eyebrows.

"Oh I'm sorry. Well if you want your girlfriend left some stuff behind, you can go take them." She said and I nodded eagerly.

We went up to her apartment. On the way there I learned that her name was Mary and that she had moved here with her older brother. She unlocked the door and stepped aside for me to come in. I slowly walked in and covered my mouth with my hands, my eyes immediately got glassy as I looked inside the apartment. It didn't smell like Lauren anymore and the walls were painted a different color. The 'I love you too' was gone.

"The 'I love you too' is painted over." I croaked out as I pointed to the wall were it used to be on.
I heard her laugh quietly but she shut up as soon as she saw that I was crying.

"That was you?" She asked and awkwardly walked up to me.

"Yeah, it was the day we painted her apartment. I thought she would paint over it but she said she would leave it that way." A tear streamed down my cheek and she hesitantly pat my shoulder.

"I'm not good around people that are crying so please don't." I looked up at her and tried to hold back my tears; she backed away slowly and moved down the hall. I walked up to the wall and put hand over it as the memories of that day came back. I squeezed my eyes shut as tears spilled. I heard someone clear their throat behind me so I turned and saw Mary standing there with a box.

"This is what was left here." She said handing it over to me. She looked at me funny as I grabbed the box.

I went to her couch and sat on it and opened the box, it contained a bunch of pictures of Lauren and I on top of it a note. I grabbed it and it read.

An addition to our scrapbook.
I love you.

At this point I didn't give a damn if my crying made Mary uncomfortable but I couldn't help it. I looked beside the pictures and saw her coffeepot, on it was another note.

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