Chapter 20

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Lauren's POV

"Camila hurry up, Rick is gonna leave."

I was standing in the doorway of Camila's apartment, it was finally Saturday and Rick was waiting for us downstairs, for the past 3 years we've had annual fishing trips, Rick has a cabin up in Lake Shasta that belonged to his parents. It was pretty early, 5 am to be exact and even though Camila said she was a morning person, she's pretty cranky.

"Don't tell me what to do Jauregui." She was coming towards me with a big suitcase. I walked inside and helped her with it, she looked up at me with a frown and I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Morning cranky, why the big suitcase?" We were going for 3 days and she packed a suitcase for a month, we were going fishing not to Vegas or something.

"I packed clothes and a first aid kit, bug repellent, cream for mosquito bites-"

"Wow, I just packed that backpack." I said pointing to it. It was one of those lightweight backpacks you would take on backpacking trips.

"Oh... Well." I laughed and picked up her suitcase and walked out of her apartment.

"Lauren hurry up!" Logan shouted from the elevator. I picked up my backpack and hurried over by him, Camila following close behind.

"Big suitcase." He said and Camila rolled her eyes.

"Maybe she packed her special friends." I teased and Logan gave me a confused expression.

"Shut it Lauren."

"What special friends?" He asked and Camila smacked my arm hard, I looked at her with a hurt expression.

"Ouch!" she crossed her arms and looked away from me.

"No seriously tell me." Logan said. "It must be something bad if she's reacting like that."

"Shut up, I'm not going on this trip." The elevator opened and Logan and I stepped out with the backpacks and the suitcase, Camila stayed in the elevator. I gave Logan the luggage and went in the elevator picking up Camila and putting her over my shoulder.

"Put me down right now!" She exclaimed punching my back lightly.

"Open the door." I said to Logan as we got to Rick's van.

"Lauren, I swear if you say anything I will drown you once we get to the lake."

"I don't care." I put her on the back seat of the van and then sat next to her, she was still cross armed and had a frown, like a little kid when he doesn't get what he wants or when they change the show they're watching.

"Someone's not a morning person." Rick says giving us a small wave, he had a cigarette between his lips and he looked sleepy.

"She just has a stick up her ass at the moment." I said under my breath and Logan laughed.

"I get it now!" Camila groaned and placed her head on my shoulder.

"I hate you." I wrapped my arm around her and let her cuddle into me.

"You're just tired, go to sleep."

"We're going to pick up the girls and Tommy is Emma coming?" Rick started to drive and talk to Logan.

I zoned out of their conversation when Camila looked up at me with a sleepy smile. Her eyes were halfway closed and she poked my chin, she picked herself up and kissed my cheek, I helped her up a bit so she would sit on my lap and rest her back on the door of the van, she sighed and nuzzled my neck, she grabbed my arm and started to trace circles on it before hugging it. I rubbed her back and her breathing became deeper meaning she was probably asleep.

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