Chapter 37

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Lauren's POV

I woke up to the aroma of waffles wafting through the studio. I rolled over on my stomach and rubbed my face against my pillow. I picked myself up and sat on the bed Indian style and stretched as I let out a small yawn. I looked and saw that the spot where Camila was lying on was now empty; I looked behind me to see her cooking, she had her hair up and had taken off the crew neck she wore last night, she was now wearing a tank top. I got off the bed carefully so I wouldn't make any noise, since she was giving me her back I wanted to sneak up on her.

I tip toed over by her and once I was close I slowly draped my arms around her waist from behind and pulled her up to me tightly. She tensed up and then relaxed when I placed a soft kiss on her shoulder.

"You scared me, babe." She said putting a hand over mine as I nuzzled the back of her neck. She stopped what she was doing and turned around wrapping her arms around my neck. I picked her up and kissed her chin before putting her down.

"You missed you idiot." She said and I smiled and pressed my lips against hers, she kissed me back and scratched the back of my neck lightly. I grabbed her hips and moved her away from the stove without breaking our kiss. She moved her hands to cup my face and started to giggle as I tickled her sides. She pulled away resting her forehead on mine.

"Waffles are going to burn." She said pulling away and pecking my lips briefly before going back to the stove.

"Don't cook." I whined going up to her and hugging her from behind again pulling her away from the stove.

"Lauren, I want to make you breakfast."

"But you're leaving soon, I just want you. No food." I left kisses on the back of her head down to her shoulders and she laughed.

"No food?"

"Nope." I replied childishly and she rest her head back on my shoulder, I leaned against the counter and held her close to me, I kissed her cheek and she sighed.

"Okay." She got out of my grasp and turned off the stove. She turned around and smirked at me, I licked my lips and grabbed her face pulling her in for a kiss; she giggled into the kiss and played with the hem of my shirt. I then pulled away and picked her up having her wrap her legs around my waist, I sat her up on the kitchen counter and she placed her hands on my shoulders rubbing them gently.

"When are you going to take me out again?" She asked kissing my forehead; I snuck my hands inside my shirt and rubbed circles on it.

"I don't know." I pout and she nods letting her arms drape over my shoulders.

"I'll get to see you real soon, right?"

"Yes." I bit my bottom lip and looked at hers; she gave me a close lipped smile before putting her bottom lip in her mouth.

"I don't know when but soon."

"I have a feeling I'm going to hate that word." She threw her head back and I let out a breath and kissed her exposed collarbone.

"I'm going to hate saying it, you'll come visit, right?" I mumbled against her shoulder.

"Yes, we'll take turns."

"This can work, me here you over there." I nodded and smiled broadly hoping that if I kept a positive attitude it will all be alright. She brought her finger below my chin and gave it a slight nudge bringing my face closer to her lips.

"Yes we can." She put her lips out pressing them against mine, I bit her bottom lip slightly and she smiled, I then kissed her softly and she put her hands on the back of my neck deepening the kiss. I slid my hand from her side to her thigh and brought it back up to her side. She smiled and pulled away giving me a cheeky smile. She looked down at my shirt and shyly yanked on the hem; she put the tip of her thumb in her mouth and looked down. I laughed and nodded slowly lifting my shirt up, she helped my remove it and then she let it fall aside. She took her thumb out of her mouth pushed me away so she could look at me, she looked up at my face briefly before looking down.

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