Chapter 10

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Lauren's POV

I walked to Camila's shop, Dolce, about 30 minutes earlier than she had said to. I was making my way down the block when I saw a line of people waiting to get into the shop. I guess Camila's little promo spree, that she obviously dragged me into, paid off.

I stopped once I got to the front of the shop. There was a big shop sign that read 'Dolce' with a cupcake at the end of the 'e'. I looked through the glass door and saw Camila rushing around inside. Her hair was a bit messy and she had frosting on the tip of her nose. She came to a sudden stop and looked in my direction. A wide grin spread across her features. I waved at her and she came towards the door to let me in, before peeking outside and quickly waving at the line of people.

It was a small space; a few tables were set up at the end, and there was a small platform big enough to fit a microphone, stool and a guitar amp. On the other side was a line of showcases already starting to fill with pastries.

"What do you think?" She asked, standing beside me.

"It looks great but..." I put my guitar case down and turned to face her. I brought my hand up to the tip of her nose and took the icing off.

"Okay, now you're good," I said as she wiped my finger off with her apron.

She placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You did a great job," I said.

She beamed and then looked down. "I wish I could stay and talk to you but the idiots that are working for me can't do anything right, so."

"Just take a deep breath. Relax," I said, wrapping my arms around her waist. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She placed her other hand on my shoulder and exhaled slowly. She smiled but remained silent.

"Nope, didn't work. Thanks for trying, though," she said.

She kissed my cheek quickly before loosening from my grasp and running off to the back of the shop. "Set up, get comfortable!" She shouted.

I laughed to myself as I picked up my guitar case and walked up to the platform. I started to set up the microphone as Camila rushed out of the back with a tray of pastries, placing them inside of a showcase.

"I'm not buying anything from here, just so you know," I said into the microphone to test it out.

She looked up, spooked, and then stuck her tongue out at me.

"You still have to bake for me; I'm just performing because I'm nice," I said.

She rolled her eyes and took a cupcake out of the showcase and walked over by me. "Open up," She said
I smirked and shook my head.

She grabbed my jaw roughly, pulling it down with her free hand. I whined and opened my mouth. She stuck the cupcake in and smiled sweetly.

"Fresh out of the oven." She poked my nose and walked away.

I grabbed the cupcake from my mouth taking a bite out of it. It was the best cupcake I'd ever tasted; moist and rich.

"That was uncalled for, but the cupcake is amazing," I said into the microphone.

She turned around and clapped. "Good!"

I winked and finished up the cupcake before wiping my hand on my jeans and taking my guitar out of its case. I sat on the stool and began to tune it, then started to play a few random chords to warm up. I was focused on what I was doing when I felt as if I was being stared at. I looked up and saw Camila turn quickly, twirling the ends of her hair and awkwardly walking to the back.

I bit my bottom lip and smiled, feeling my chest warm up as well as my cheeks.

The opening began and the place filled up quickly. The pastries were almost sold out within 20 minutes of the shop opening. I was hanging out with Logan and Emma when Camila grabbed my hand and pulled me up the platform with her.

She fixed her hair and cleared her throat.

"Hello," She said and the people turned to look at her. "Hi! I'm Camila the owner of this shop, Dolce. I hope you guys are enjoying yourselves!"

There were a few 'woots' and claps, making Camila giggle.

"Anyway, I'm going to leave you guys with a little musical act. This girl is truly an amazing singer and more than that, a great person. I'm sure some of you have heard of her already but if you haven't, I'm leaving you off with my best friend; Lauren Jauregui." She got out of the way of the mic and smiled.

I'm not going to lie, the 'best friend' hurt but at the same time, what was I expecting? It's not like her and I were anything more than just friends.

I smiled back at her and she stepped off the platform.

"Thanks, Camz," I said, sitting on the stool and placing my guitar on my lap. I suddenly got very shy. I'm not sure why, though. It's never happened to me before, but either way I started my songs. As soon as I began, everything I was feeling or thinking about disappeared. Everything except Camila. She was everything I could think about throughout my whole set, and at times I didn't even know if I was singing the right words or playing the right chords.

After a bit, I was done. There was a nice amount of cheers and the usual over exaggerated screaming from Logan.

I walked up to Logan, Emma and Camila.

"You did a great job!" Camila exclaimed, making me blush slightly.

"Thank you," I said, bumping her shoulder. I looked around to see that the place was still packed.

"This is amazing. I'm so proud of you!" I said pulling Camila into a hug.

She nuzzled her head into my neck and took a deep breath. I rubbed her back up and down and she pressed her body closer to mine.

"We are so going out to celebrate as soon as this is over," I said.

She pulled away hesitantly.

"Bar?" She asked.

"Oh yeah!"

Camila's POV

After I closed the shop, Lauren took me to a bar close by. It was called Dave's. I thought we were going to go with Logan and Emma, but we parted ways. Deep down I was extremely glad that that had happened. I wanted to be alone with Lauren. In the time I've been spending with her, I've grown really close to her. I think I like her. Well no, I do like her. I've never really been attracted to a woman, but I guess there's just something about Lauren.

We walked inside and sat at the bar. There was classic rock playing in the background and it smelled like beer, but it was comfortable.

"What do you go for; shots or beer?" She asked, bringing her hand to my face and putting a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Shots are more fun, don't you think?" I said and she laughed.

"I guess," She said.

She turned to the bartender and ordered the shots. She took them in her hands and handed me one.

"Bottoms up!" She said, downing the shot before I could. She scrunched her face up and shook it slightly.

"You alright?" I asked.

She giggled. "Yeah, go."

I shrugged and drank the shot. "That's really strong," I said, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Another one?" She asked.


4 maybe 5 shots later, I had come to a stop. I was already feeling a buzz and I didn't want to get drunk. On the other hand, Lauren was out already; she had maybe 2 or 3 shots more than me.

She got off the stool and stood in front of me. "You're really pretty," She said.

I blushed and wrapped my arms around her neck. "Thank you. You're really pretty too."

She leaned closer to me to whisper in my ear. "I think I-I took to many shot-ts," she slurred.

I giggled and pushed her away. "Really?" I said.

She nodded and hid her face in her hands. She's so cute. She started to shift from side to side not really knowing what to do. Of course, that all ended when 'Are you gonna by my girl?' by JET came on.

"Oh my god! I love this song!" She said, jumping up and down.

I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Come!" She took my arm and dragged me over to the 'dance floor'. She started to dance around and I played along with.

"So 1,2,3 take your hand and come with me because you look so fine and I really wanna make you mine!" She sang along and winked, pulling me closer to her.

"Oh you look so fine and I really wanna make you mine," I sang, inching closer to her face.

And she backed away slightly making me twirl around.

The song went on and Lauren kept dancing around, swaying her hips and making me dance along with her. It got to a point where our foreheads were resting against each others. Her breathing was fast and she was looking into my eyes, which were intently focused on her lips.

"Um, we should go home," I said.

She pulled away and nodded. "Y-yeah. Hold on." She said.

I watched as she went up to the bar and took a couple more shots, gave the bartender some money, and we stepped out of the bar. She was clinging on my shoulder, trying hard to not fall. I wrapped my arm around her waist and we walked up to our building. The walk was filled with laughs, her singing and calling me pretty.

We were walking down our hall when she stopped and turned to me. I turned to face her, and everything went silent. She bit her lip and moved closer to me, cupping my face with her hands. I looked down at her lips and licked mine. I put my hands on her waist and brought her closer to me. She then did something I've been wanting her to do for some time but something I wasn't expecting her to ever do, and maybe it was the amount of alcohol in her system that gave her that boost of confidence.

She started to lean in, slowly sliding one of her hands to my neck. She pressed her body on mine and pushed me up gently against the wall. Her face was closer than I ever thought it would be to mine. I could feel her steady breathing against my own. She grazed her nose against mine and closed her eyes. I closed mine, awaiting for what was to come. She hesitantly grazed her lips against mine, sending shivers all over my body. She then captured my lips in hers. She kissed me with so much passion, yet it was soft and sensual. Our lips moved in perfect synchrony. She brought her hands down to my waist as mine got lost in her hair. She tilted her head to the side, deepening the kiss. The need for oxygen quickly became necessary so we pulled away. I stayed looking at her for a bit until she pulled me off the wall and took my hand, walking up to my door. Somehow I opened it and we barged in.

She then closed the door shut by pushing my body on it. She crashed her lips onto mine and picked me up, wrapping my legs around her waist. I placed my hands on her neck as she started to move around the room. She found the couch, and sat down as I straddled her.

She smiled and kissed me tenderly as her hands snuck inside my shirt. She rubbed my back dimples and ran her tongue across my bottom lip for permission, I smiled and obliged. Her tongue met mine and I started to slowly grind down on her. She moaned into my mouth and pulled away. Going down to my neck, she bit down and sucked on my pulse point, making me moan. I moved my hands down to the hem of her shirt and pulled it up.

She pulled away and took her shirt off, revealing a black bra and tight abs. I looked down on her and she yanked down on my shirt. I quickly took it off before pulling her body off the couch and pushing her down to lay on it. I fixed myself on her and kissed her again. The room was getting more and more heated, the kisses becoming more and more passionate. Suddenly Lauren stopped. I pulled away and saw that she was... sleeping?

"Lauren?" I said.

Her breaths became deeper and slower.

"Are you fucking serious?" I said smacking her face softly but she wouldn't budge.

I groaned and got off of her. "I can't believe she passed out." I said, pacing back and forth.

I whined in frustration and shook my head. I went into my room and got a blanket. I looked down at her jeans and saw they were unbuttoned. Did I do that? Her shirt was thrown across the room. I admired her quickly before placing a blanket over her sleeping body. I sighed pecked her lips. I rubbed her cheek with my thumb, and she snored lightly and hugged the blanket.

She probably won't remember any of this in the morning.

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