Chapter 47

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Lauren's POV

"Ready?" He said taking the shiny keys in his hand and tossing it up and down repeatedly. I looked at the key, seeing it go up and down. Every time it dropped down on his hand I would pout. I looked up at him and he gave me a playful smirk.

"Yes, just give it!" I whined and he shrugged putting the key back in his pocket.


"Lauren!" He mocked my tone and I crossed my arms.

"Just give me the keys, Ricky." I pouted and he moved closer to me shaking his head.

"Just give me a minute, okay? I worked so hard on this baby and it was my dad's. It's hard to let go."

He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and turned my body so that we were now facing the old pickup truck. It was a 1966 Ford Ecoline pickup; it was freshly painted a bright blue. Ever since I saw it I had my eyes on it but Rick wouldn't sell it until now. It was pretty much a steal. And I had a pretty good amount of money from the label back in New York so I was able to buy it off him without worrying on not having any money left.

He took a deep breath and looked down squeezing his eyes shut. He let out a breath and gave me a tight squeeze before pulling away. Once he was in front of me he grabbed my hand and placed the keys on it. He then closed my fist around the keys and pat my shoulder.

"All yours, Jauregui." He said looking back at the truck.

"You have your license, right? I've never seen you driving."

"Of course I do, I've had it since I was 16 but I never had enough money to afford a car." I smiled and walked up to the truck running my hand across the side of it until reaching the door.

"Where's the first stop?" He asked going to the other door, I put my key in and opened the door and jumped into the driver's seat. Rick got on and I started the truck.

"Grocery store." I said softly and he laughed.

"Grocery store is two blocks from here."

"So? I need grocery's my fridge is empty." I started to drive towards the grocery store, I parked and we got out.

"Smooth." He winked and I shrugged.

"Obviously." I grabbed a shopping cart and we stepped inside the store.

"That's a nice ring, I hadn't noticed it." He pointed to my hand and I gulped seeing the ring he was pointing at.

"Camila gave it to me on our first month together." I looked up grabbing some oatmeal and putting it in the cart.

"Oh, have you talked to her?" He asked and I nodded.

"She helped me unpack a few days ago, haven't really talked to her since." I said honestly and he gave me a funny expression.

"Are you two not going to go for it again?" He grabbed some cereal and put it in the cart.

"I don't know, Rick." We walked into the dairy section and he huffed.

"How do you not know? It's Camila." He grabbed yogurt and put in the cart.

"Dude am I shopping or you?" I tried to change the topic but he just smirked at me. "Okay, jeez I don't know and I'd rather not talk about it. Things are just awkward I guess." I took the yogurt out of the cart and replaced it with the one I actually liked.

"Confusing, I'd say enjoy the single life and be my new wing woman but it's Camila so it's different." He said looking down and I turned to him with wide eyes.

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