Chapter 22

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Lauren's POV

Today the guys wanted to go water skiing and I wanted to go too but Camila was feeling a little under the weather so I decided to stay back in the cabin with her and be her little nurse. I still haven't told her I'm moving, it would probably be a good time to do that sometime today and get it over with. I was still feeling iffy about moving, I didn't want to move away from Camila even if it was just a building away; it felt like I would be
too far away from her.

I was in the kitchen making her some tea.

"Hey Lauren." Emma said walking in from outside, I turned and gave her a small smile. "Logan told me about your talk yesterday." She had her arms behind her back and she was shifting from side to side.

"It's okay, don't worry about it. I'm okay with the whole moving thing." I smiled once more before grabbing the cup of tea and turning to the room I shared with Camila.

"It doesn't seem like it."

"It's fine, it's not like I'm moving across town and I'm so happy Logan finally got his head out his ass and took your relationship to the next level, it's been like 10 years." I turned to face her and she crossed her arms and laughed.

"Well, I wanted to show you a little something, put the tea down first." I gave her a confused expression and placed the tea on the table next to me, Emma motioned for me to go near her, she then uncrossed her arms and showed me her left hand, on her ring finger was a huge diamond ring, my eyes widened and I smiled broadly and covered my mouth.

"Oh my God."

"I know, I still can't believe it." She beamed and placed her hand over her chest.

"When did this happen?"

"Last night after everyone went to bed, he took me by the caverns and he popped the question there." I pulled her into a hug and she giggled.

"I'm so happy for you." I pulled away and kissed her cheek.

"Thanks Laur, I'm gonna go back out there."

"Have fun, I have to go upstairs and take care of the sickly." I picked up the cup again and gestured at the stairs.

"I'm really happy for you two, don't mess it up with her got it?"

"I'd be pretty damn stupid if I did that, I really like her."

"It looks like it's mutual, hope she feels better." I nodded and she waved going back outside, I made my way up the stairs and walked into the room, Camila was hidden bundled up in the covers, she must have sensed I walked in because she peeked her head out a bit revealing her sleepy eyes, messy hair and her nose, the tip of it was red.

"I brought you some tea." I said handing her the cup and sitting next to her, she sat up and grabbed the cup.

"Thank you." She croaked and took a sip of the tea; she took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"How do you feel?" She pouted and handed me the tea, I placed it on the nightstand and turned to her.

"Eh, cuddles would help me feel better." She smiled and I went under the covers with her and I let her fall into my arms, her head found the crook of my neck and my arms wrapped around her body holding her close to me, our legs then tangled together.

Camila's POV

I wasn't sick, I felt great actually but I really didn't want to go water skiing, I'm not really good with that type of stuff, I work out but I suck at sports, I wanted to stay back here and cuddle with Lauren all day. She made me feel safe and I wanted her attention on me, yes it's selfish but I didn't give a damn. As I was thinking this through while she held me in her arms, I really wanted to kiss her but given the sick excuse it probably wasn't a good idea. I really wanted to take this to my advantage though, play along with it and tease her. It would be fun.
I slowly lifted my face up and looked at her, I gave her the best puppy face I could and pouted, she mirrored my pout and kissed my forehead then she started to rub my back. I kissed her jawline tenderly before resting my head on her chest.

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