Chapter 34

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Lauren's POV

If I could describe New York in one word it would be overwhelming. I've always been used to small towns, not many big crowds of people. But this is a whole different thing, there's lights everywhere, people everywhere, so much noise it's suffocating yet beautiful and it's a great distraction from everything that was running through my mind when it comes to Camila.

After I left Camila's apartment I had my flight rescheduled and got on a plane an hour later, I was crushed, I felt empty, mad. I wish I could've just gone back and slapped Camila across the face, who the hell does she think she is? I go all out for her and she just tells me to leave because I should pursue my dream? Yeah, okay. At the end of the day I guess this is for the best and she's right but that just wasn't the time. My taxi pulled into what seemed to look like a warehouse.

"Is this the right address?" I asked
and he nodded.

"Yeah this is it." He said and gave him a confused expression but nodded and stepped out of the taxi. I grabbed my suitcase and bag and walked up to the warehouse. I walked around it to the entrance and saw a guy sitting on the stairs, he had scruffy black hair and stubble, he was fit, and he had tattooed arms and chiseled features. He saw me and stood up quickly and smiled. His piercing blue eyes met mine and I waved.

"Hey! I'm Taylor, you must be Lauren." he extended his hand out and I tensed up a bit before grabbing it. He gave me a firm shake and let go.

"So I know this looks creepy from the outside but it's nice inside, I promise." He grabbed my suitcase and guided me inside the building, once we stepped inside it was like if I was in a whole different place, everything looked so modern, there were some people playing guitar while others were just hanging out, we passed by a lobby and up some stairs until reaching a door that had a golden 27 on it.

"This is your place." He opened the door and I walked into a small studio apartment, pretty nice considering it was just a studio.

He put the bags down and smiled shyly.

"Let me introduce myself correctly. I'm Taylor Jones; I'll be working with you along with maybe 4 others, helping you out around the city and recording." I nodded and gave him a smile.

"This is nice." I said walking up to a glass wall that had a great view of the part of the city I was in, he walked right next to me and looked around.

"I live in the one next to this with my boyfriend we don't have this view though so you're lucky." He said and I let out a sigh of relief.


"Yes, don't worry about me hitting on you; if I do it's totally innocent though, I'm just sort of allergic to girls when it comes to the sexual act." He chuckled and I laughed.

"Good one." I said and he crossed his arms and turned to me.

"You look tired, your eyes look sad." He gave me a small pout and I sighed a bit uncomfortable about how fast he read me.

"Long story." I said and checked my phone; there were 10 missed calls from Camila and a bunch of texts. I put my phone back in my pocket and he sat on a small couch that was close to the kitchen.

"Let me guess, boyfriend." He said and I shook my head.

"Girlfriend." I corrected him and he laughed and clapped.

"Allergic to guys?"

"No, just prefer the ladies." I winked and he laughed.

"You'll be fine Lauren, I had to move out here from Chicago, Jake was my boyfriend back there but he eventually stopped being stubborn and moved out here with me."

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