Chapter 50 : Last Chapter

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Lauren's POV

I walked down the familiar street, one I haven't walked on in a long time. I passed a few store until finally entering the bar I had been missing out on. I was finally back home after a busy year of working and performing. I finally decided on coming back home, I'm going to be taking over Rick's music store since he decided to move on from it and do other things with his life.

There was a gig tonight here of a new local band that I've been helping out so I thought I'd come to give them some support and also because I'm living with them ever since I moved back so if I hadn't come I'd be on the street.

I looked around the bar, there were about 25 to 30 people here, and luckily it was pretty spacey so it wasn't so crowded. I waved at the bartender and walked to the back of the bar.

"Laur!" Ricky exclaimed putting his drink down once he saw me, the other 4 guys, Ron, Michael and Matt were warming up. Rick had always wanted to start a band so he finally started on it a few months back and since he's so busy with the band he pretty much handed the store over to me, with my help I brought Matt and Michael who I met while I was 'touring', they were in a band but they broke up so I brought them back here to meet up with Rick and it all worked out for them in the end.

"Hey guys." I smiled and Rick pulled me into a side hug and kissed my temple. Rick handed me a drink and I grabbed it and took a sip and cringed.

"This thing is way to strong." I put the drink down and walked over to an empty couch and sat on it.

"It's the only thing that's calming me down right now." He said and took a cigarette, he threw one at me and I caught it and shook my head.

"No, I don't really smoke anymore. I haven't smoked for 2 months." I smiled proudly and he huffed.

"Oh bullshit." He winked and took in a drag. I rolled my eyes and looked over at the other guys.

"You guys excited?" I asked and Matt nodded.

"I'm nervous, how many people are out there?" Ron asked, he's Rick's brother and this is his first time performing in front of more than 10 people.

"Maybe 30, you'll be fine."

"Yeah miss I've performed in front of more than 3000 people." I looked down and shook my head.

"Oh gosh, it wasn't that many just small gigs around the states. I'm glad to be back here I miss it here."

"Can I buy you a drink Lauren? I've been trying for months now." Matt asked giving me his little smirk. I shook my head and crossed my arms.

"If it's a friendly drink, sure." I smiled and the guys started to tease him.

"I thought I told you that she doesn't date." Rick said to him and I sighed and looked down at my hand, where the ring still was.

"Oh c'mon, just one date, I'm fun trust me." He pleaded and I shook my head.

"Can't date the people I'm working with." I said; another lame excuse.

"See, you're trying to let me down easy, right?"

"Yeah, pretty much." I winked and looked up at Rick.

"Are you okay? It's been a year." He said putting his cigarette out on the ash tray.

"Yeah I'm fine; I have to buy a place to live though, not crashing with you guys anymore. You smell and Matt gets touchy when he's drunk. Not comfortable sharing a room with him." They started to laugh and Matt looked down and covered his face

"Wait you still like the Camila girl?" Ron asked and I stayed silent for a bit.

"Shut up." I laughed and stood up rubbing my neck and walking towards the door, the owner came in before I got a chance to leave.

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