Chapter 31

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Lauren's POV

It's funny how things turn out, I moved and left everything behind with my step brother to attempt to pursue a dream that at this point seems unreachable. I ran away from a relationship that ended horribly, it left me crushed and hopeless and I tried to fill a void that was left in me with a couple meaningless relationships and several drunk one night stands. I was left thinking that being in love was something idiotic, that nothing good can come out of it except leaving me to crash and burn when it comes to an end. I put my walls up to try to prevent myself from getting attached or to being able to let love in. Only for those walls to be easily torn down by a cute neighbor that happened to move in across the hall.

I was immediately captivated by her, maybe it was how she seemed like such a normal girl, she didn't look like those girls that would be out clubbing every night and hooking up with every one they see. She was the simple, cute girl next door; she's an effortless beauty. Her smile is one of the most beautiful things in this world, her eyes can make you melt, how she was just herself. She's the perfect girl and the best thing about this is that she's mine.

Today we celebrate our first month together as a couple, we were going to spend to whole day at her apartment and do absolutely nothing. It's going to be great. We were going to make a big fort in the living room and I was going to try to make Camila cookies, to show off the skills I have learned from helping out at the shop. In my bag I had her gift, in our time together I took the liberty of taking a bunch of pictures of us, sort documenting our relationship. With those pictures I made a scrapbook. It's a bit childish for my taste but I'm sure she'll like it.

I knocked lightly on her door, for some reason I was nervous, I wasn't sure why. The door swung open and her eyes met mine, I stepped inside and before I could do anything else she cupped my cheeks and pulled my into a kiss, I slowly dropped my bag and wrapped my arms around her waist tightly, I backed up a bit closing the door and she smiled pulling away.

"Happy one month." She whispered pecking my lips softly.

"Happy one month to you!" I kissed her cheek and she bit her lip.

"Nice pajamas." She smacked my butt and I turned around giving her a wink. We agreed we'd spend the whole day in pajamas so we didn't have to worry about anything else but us.

"Why didn't you wait for me so we could make the fort together?" I pouted and looked at the fort she had made.

"Because you're making me cookies so I thought I'd start on the fort." She wrapped her arms around my waist from behind and kissed my shoulder.

I turned around and tugged a strand of hair behind her ear, I rubbed her cheek with my thumb, her eyes moved down to my lips quickly before looking back up into my eyes. She smiled cheekily as I started to lean in, she closed her eyes and tilted her head to the side, rubbing her face slightly on my hand like a kitten, I placed a soft kiss on the corner of her mouth and she grinned, her eyes still closed. I went down kissing below her jaw line and she giggled. Her hands played with the hem of my pajama pants as I moved up her face placing soft kiss all over it until I pressed my lips lightly on hers, her soft lips grazed against mine sending shivers up and down my spine, we lingered before slowly moving our lips, the smell of her hair was intoxicating, and the softness of it felt amazing as my hands got lost in it, she took a deep breath and hummed into the kiss making me smile, her fingers scratched my lower back gently as my hand travelled to her neck, then down to her shoulders. We slowly moved to the couch trying to not break kiss, we pulled away briefly and quickly reconnected as I she sat back on the couch and I placed myself on her lap.

She placed her hands on my butt as I deepened the kiss. My breathing was getting deeper as the room got hotter. I pulled away and gave her light pecks all over her face causing her to giggle. I pulled away from her and she leaned in biting my chin.

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