Chapter 33

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Lauren's POV

3 days...

Today is the day I leave for New York, my flight is at 2 am and Logan thought it would be a great idea to throw me a 'Farewell, good luck getting famous' party as he called it. These past days I've felt numb, Camila has been sulking all the time and keeping her distance which makes me upset because I'm still here and she wasted the time we could have spent together avoiding me.

It was 10 pm and I was sitting on Logan's couch, the room was silent. Rick was outside smoking with Tommy beside him. Normani, Fran and Emma were sitting close to me, mute. Logan was standing leaning against the wall and twiddling his thumbs. Camila wasn't here yet. The silence was broken by someone clearing their throat; Logan walked to the middle of the living room and

"Okay, I'm going to put on some music and I'm bringing out some beers, I'm not going to stay these last couple hours we have with Lauren sulking around, okay? Good." He turned on the stereo and walked into the kitchen grabbing a cooler and bringing it back to the living room.

"Lauren." He tossed me a beer and I caught it before it hit my face, I lazily opened it and drank some. The door opened and Camila walked in, she looked tired and sad and I hated this because it was my fault. She looked at me and managed to give me a small smile. I set the beer on the coffee table and walked up to her pulling her into a hug. She hugged me back and gave me a light squeeze before letting go. She looked up at me with sad eyes and I felt my chest start to hurt.

"Hi." She said softly.

"Hey." I leaned in hesitantly not knowing if I should kiss her or not, she then closed her eyes and let out a breath, she slowly placed her hands on my shoulder and closed the space between us, I whimpered as her lips touched mine, her lips quivered slightly as we kissed and she sighed into my mouth, she pulled away and took a deep breath as she rested her forehead on mine, she wrapped her arms around my back and her hand grabbed my shirt tightly, she buried her face in my neck and she let out a small sob. I held her close to me and closed my eyes trying hard to not release any tears. I had to be strong right now. I rubbed her back softly trying to calm her down. She started to back away and she sniffled, I wiped the tears that had fallen and she let out a light chuckle.

"I'm sorry." She said and I shook my head.

"Don't." I kissed her forehead and pulled her into another hug.

"Come with me." I said and she put her hands on my chest and pulled away.

"What?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"Come with me to New York." I said again and she laughed a bit and backed away.

"You're kidding, right? Lauren that is
so selfish. I have my life here, my shop; it wasn't easy to finally get it open and running. I can't just leave everything behind and leave with you." She put hand through her hair and I nodded and looked down.

"You're right, I'm sorry it was selfish of me." I grabbed my hand and played with the ring she had given me. I sighed and went back to sit on the couch. I looked up at her and she was leaning against the wall covering her face with her hands.

"Stop acting like this." I said grabbing my beer and resting my back on the couch.

"What?" She said.

"This, the crying. You ignored my calls, texts, knocking on your fucking door, because I don't know maybe I wanted to spend some time with my girlfriend before I left."

"What the hell did you want me to do Lauren? The girl I love is moving away from." She walked towards me with tears in her eyes.

"Do you think this is easy for me? Do you think I'm ready to leave this all behind? Do you think I'm ready and happy with the fact I'm moving to the other side of the goddamn country and leaving you? Of course I'm not." I said trying to control my tone, I crossed my arms and she groaned.

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