Chapter 35

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Lauren's POV

Loud music, flashing lights, drinks and people talking are just bits of what I remember from last night, also soft brunette locks. I groaned softly as I woke up with a thumping in my head, I tried moving a bit but my arms felt heavy, mostly my side, it felt like there was literally a weight on it, I moved my arm up and my hand made contact with bare skin, my eyes shot open but I couldn't dare to look beside me.

Had I slept with someone? Oh god if I had how the hell was I going to face Camila? Should I hide it? No if I did that the truth will come out somehow and bite me in the ass. I swallowed hard and squeezed my eyes shut since it felt like a knife was being shoved down my throat; I slowly turned my head to the side and opened one eye.

From fear, regret and guilt I went to being confused. Camila was cuddled up to my side, her hair fell messily to the side of her face; she mumbled something and hugged me closer to her. My eyes widened and I looked around.

"Did I leave for New York?" I croaked out softly and rubbed my eyes with my free hand, I looked at Camila once more and poked her cheek softly, and I moved her hair from her face to make sure it was really her. I let out a light chuckle and she scrunched her nose and rubbed her face on my chest before sitting up. She stretched and let out a yawn before looking at me and smiling lazily, I didn't really know how to feel right now; I was so confused.

"Morning babe." She leaned over and kissed my cheek gently.

"Hung-over?" She asked and I looked at her as if she was a mirage, like if she wasn't really here and my hangover was just fucking with me. I tried to process in her words and she looked down biting on her bottom lip.

"How'd um when did you get here?" I asked sitting up on the bed and resting my head back on the headboard.

"I got here last night and on a plane." She winked and I nodded rolling my eyes.

"Why?" I asked and she sighed and put her hair to the side.

"What I did was wrong, I shouldn't have made you leave, after you walked out my door I regretted it right away and I understand if you're mad at me. But I love you and I can't get myself to leave things the way we did so here I am." She said and I took a deep breath and scoot closer to her with my legs apart, I grabbed her legs and pulled her up to me and wrapped them around my waist, I wrapped my arms around her lower back and she rested her head on the crook of my neck, she snuck her arms around my neck and melted into me.

She's such a funny little thing and the effect she had on me makes me a bit annoyed, I was feeling like crap when I woke up but just holding her in my arms now made it all go away, having her this close to me made my heart beat faster and my stomach flutter.

I rubbed small circles on the back of my neck as I rubbed her back up and down slowly. She sighed a bit and hugged me tighter.

"I smell bad." I said and I felt her smile against my skin.

"That's okay, you want to shower?" She mumbled before giving me a light kiss on my neck.

"With you, yeah." I bit my lip gently and she looked up at me and nodded.

"Sounds good." I grabbed her hand and led her to my bathroom, I reached over turning on the hot water and turned to her. She walked up to me wrapping her arms around my waist and nuzzling my neck, I rubbed her shoulders quickly before yanking softly on her shirt, she smiled pulling away, my hands slid down her frame to the hem of her shirt, I slowly started to lift it up, she raised her arms and I took her shirt off throwing it aside, I kissed her cheek softly as she started to raise my shirt up, I pulled away and helped her remove it, she then kissed my shoulder blade and tickled my chin before kissing it, she moved her lips up having them graze mine but I pulled away quickly and covered my mouth.

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