Chapter 41

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Camila's POV

I grasped my gym bag tightly as I stepped out of the building and got. into the black car that was waiting for me.

"Made me wait 5 minutes, do you think gas is free?" I tossed my bag on the backseat and turned to Mary giving her a smile.

"Sorry about that, I was talking to Lauren." I reached back in my bag and took a CD out.

"Oh understandable." She said as she started to drive.

"So I got this new CD, it's so good you have to listen to it." I said putting it into her radio.

She looked over at me funny and I smirked.

"Hey babe...."

"Again!?" She groaned and I laughed.

"It's been a week with the same CD the whole time; I'm getting sick of Lauren's voice." She sighed and I calmed down my laughing.

"Seriously, annoying; it's cute but annoying as hell."

"Let me be." I said closing my eyes and enjoying Lauren's voice.

"We're going to that party today."

"Do I have to?" I sighed.

"It's New Years, have some fun."

"You know? Everything I wanted to do today was get to see Lauren. I'd kill just to have her here so I can give her a New Year's kiss but no. She's in stupid New York probably going to a stupid New Year's party with her even stupider ex girlfriend. Stupid." I crossed my arms and looked out the car window.

"Yeah, New York sucks. Fuck New York; but really Logan said it would be fun."

"His parties are lame, same people, same drinking, and same music."

"But be easy on Lauren, she sent you Christmas gifts and has been skyping with you way more. By the way was she naked when you were skyping last night?"

I giggled and shook my head. "No, she was in her underwear, strapless bra. Why were you looking anyway? She's mine."

"I wasn't looking! But she's hot, nice pick." She winked and I snorted.

"Oh that's attractive." She mocked me and I rolled my eyes.

"She said she had a better Christmas present but that she couldn't give it to me now, it's a surprise." I pouted and she gave me a blank stare.

"Well, don't think about it tonight. Have fun, drink a little. Not too much because I ain't taking care of your drunken ass." She pulled into the gym and I laughed.

"Got it, boo."

"Shut up I hate pet names."

"Whatever, Mary."

After working out we went out to eat and then she dropped me off at my apartment. I was really glad I met Mary; she's been making my situation not be as painful as it is. I'm happier now that she's around since she's really funny and a great friend to me. She's also been helping me understand that me not being able to communicate with Lauren isn't that big of a deal. I have to understand that Lauren is busy and with the small time difference it makes things more difficult.
As time went by I started to get ready for Logan's party. Apparently as Lauren told me last night he does annual New Year's party at his apartment, it's a formal party, there's food, and drinking and that it was somewhat fun. He invited Mary and I and I was hesitant to go but Mary dragged me along.
I finished up my make-up and I heard a knock on my door. I put on my heels and rushed over to open it.

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