Chapter 38

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Lauren's POV

"Okay, welcome to Sunset records." Taylor said in a cheery tone as he guided me into a small building.

"Alright, so right now we're going to go in an office for a meeting, there we'll meet up with Brian and you'll meet a few more people." He put his arm around my shoulder and we walked down a long hall, walls covered with framed vinyls and signed posters of a few artist.

"Oh we'll also see one of the bosses; she's a tough one." He said and I looked up at him as he fixed his hair.

"How so?" I asked and he looked down at me.

"Well, she's very attractive, intense blue eyes and dark hair. She's fierce; you don't want to mess with her. She just got back from an event in LA that she was co-hosting with a partnering label."

"Wait what?" I stopped walking and he turned around.

"Something wrong?"

"BCT Records?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"Are you serious? I thought that was made up." I put a hand through my hair as my heart started to race and not in the good way.

"You okay?"

"Megan?" I asked and she looked at me confused and nodded.

"Yes? Megan Hale."

"Oh boy." I looked down and shook my head.

"You know her?"

"Ha." I laughed nervously and walked up to him resting my head against his chest. He wrapped his arm around my lower back and rubbed my sides.

"She's my ex." I said looking up at him and he laughed.

"Oh god." He said giving me a sympathetic look.

He shook his head lightly and guided me into an office which I refused to go into but he pushed me inside. There was a long table 5 chairs on each side and one on each end. 5 of the chairs were occupied, I saw Brian and some people I met my first night out here. And at the corner of the room starting out the long glass wall was no other than Megan Hale. She was wearing a tight blue dress that hugged her curves perfectly; her hair had small waves to it and she looked exactly like she did years ago. I got self conscious and nervous as I took a seat in between Brian and Taylor. She quickly turned around and I felt her eyes burn into me. I tried my best to not look at her just yet.

"Well well well." She said coming to the table. I swallowed hard and turned to her giving her a smile, she smirked as she sat down, eyes still fixed on me.

"Lauren Jauregui."

"Megan Hale." I said and Brian looked at me.

"You two know each other already?"

"Yes, we do. We go way back, right Laurie?" She said using the nickname she used to call me, I felt really uncomfortable right now, sensing that I tensed up Taylor placed a hand on my knee under the table and gave it a light pat.

"I prefer Lauren." I said locking eyes with her, her smirk fell as she took her bottom lip in her mouth. I rolled my eyes and looked away.

"Well I don't know what happened between you two but we're here to work, alright?" Brian said and I agreed.

The meeting went by pretty civil, I'd be coming into record this whole month and they'd start giving me some sort of promotion after we record to get my name out there, we'd be doing covers and I'd start songwriting too along with Taylor. Unfortunately Megan said she was going to be part of this whole process so I don't think I'd be able to get away from her.

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