Chapter 48

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Lauren's POV

"Tell me again why we have to go? The games on today." Logan said zipping up his hoodie and grabbing his keys.

"First of all, you don't watch sports so cut the bullshit. Second of all, it's my treat so enjoy the free fucking dinner and finally I don't really want to be alone with Camila so you two better not ditch me like last time." I fixed my hair quickly in the mirror.

"Last time?" Emma asked coming by me and fixing her makeup.

"Yeah, remember the first time we all went out for pizza? And you two left to another booth." Logan giggled and nodded.

"I remember, you two were practically eye fucking each other and I was uncomfortable." He said putting on a beanie and opening the door going to the hall.

"We're going there again?" Emma asked and I nodded.

"It's like starting over, you know? With Camila and our friendship or whatever." I heard Emma laugh and I gave her a glare.

"Friendship, what do you mean? Are you two not..." I grabbed them both taking them back into Logan's apartment. I shut the door and leaned on it.

"Okay, here's the thing. As much as I'd love to be with Camila I can't give her what she wants. I got calls from New York telling me that it's okay if I don't want to be on the label but they'd love to host some events for me, meaning I'd go to New York to perform then come back home. But I also got a call from San Francisco and Vegas. My name got out there and I'm getting booked in lots of places and I won't be able to stay put." I sighed and took a deep breath.

"Camila wants something stable, someone who could be with her most of the time, someone who's there for her when she calls them at 2am saying she's cold and they'd be able to go over and keep her company. Someone who can go into her work once in a while and help her out there, someone that's not me, because I'm not going to be able to do that and I sure as hell won't go into a relationship knowing it's gonna end up being broken because of distance." Logan looked down and put his hands in his pockets.

"Does she know this?"

"No, she's someone I'd love to have in my life and if I can have her as a friend I'm totally down for that. I love her with all my heart and I really wish things could've worked out because I saw her there for the long run. I've never been a big fan of marriage, and I really saw myself buying an engagement ring later on. It kills me to know I won't be able to do that and it also kills me that someone else is going to be able to see her in the ways I have. But she knows that no one will ever see her the way I do. No one will love her as much as I did. I'll tell her about it soon." I felt myself start to tear up so I shook my head and swallowed the lump in my throat.

"I'm hungry, let's go." I opened the door again and stepped over to knock on Camila's door.

"Can we go in your truck? Emma and I have been dying to ride in the back but Rick would never let us." He said shyly and I let a light chuckle and nodded.

"Of course, kiddies." I knocked on her door and heard laughter coming from the inside. I took a deep breath and backed away from the door a bit, going next to Logan. The door opened and Camila stepped out smiling. I felt my heart skip a beat once I saw her. Mary came out after her and we all stood there in silence, awkward. Camila stood next to me and I looked at Emma who was looking at me funny, I then saw Mary and Camila exchange a glance at each other. Logan cleared his throat and I unconsciously placed my hand on Camila's lower back.

"We're going to eat pizza, hope that's okay with you two." I said and Camila nodded.

"Totally fine." Mary winked and I let out a breath. Logan and Emma walked in front of us with Mary trailing behind. I saw her text something and she looked back at us.

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