Chapter 14: Please Don't Break My Heart

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Song Credits: Coopex - Stereo Love (feat. Britt Lari)

Italic - Importance/Texting //// Bold - Emphasis/Texting //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory


Saigomo turns back into Sama, soon holding me in her arms. The people at the tree were still in mind. The fact that someone or more still knew about her, was concerning.

I'd just hope that no-one would try to harm her in anyway, she was all that I had left to protect my broken heart.

She hugs me close, and I realize that she was crying. "Oh Skyelle, my dearest Butterfly, I can't afford to lose you. You're all I have left in this world..."

I kiss her cheek, gently holding her cheek. "Sama. I'd make sure that no-one will ever hurt you."

She then pushes me against the door frame. Her tongue inside my mouth, and we kiss heavily. Then she caresses my side.

The love radienting off of her was immense. We break away and she smiles, her red eyes brightening some. I force myself up, wanting more.

I close my eyes, and we kiss again. "Mhm, Butterfly, if only you knew what you were doing to me. This hold that you have upon me, I cannot explain it..."

She then continues to walk, closing the front door again. We sit on the couch, my arms wrapped around her waist. I was so small compared to her, but she made me feel safe.

Sama hums, picking me up and placing me in her lap. I lean back, letting it happen. Warmth surrounded me, and I feel comfortable as we sit there.

After a bit, I speak up. "Hey, wanna watch a movie or something?" She smiles down at me. "Sure dear. That sounds like fun."

I put on a movie that was good, and we get comfortable as we start watching it. Soon I fall asleep, hugging her as I yawn, and close my tired eyes.


I wake up in my dream. I look up, surprised at what I saw in front of me.

There was a huge tree, with a giant red egg on it. Then I see it. A giant red, black centipede sticking out if the egg, a giant tail swinging like a cat's.

 A giant red, black centipede sticking out if the egg, a giant tail swinging like a cat's

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And it had Sama's face, but it was covered by it's red clawed hands. It seemed at peace, so I left it alone. The tree had seals on it.

There were also blackened butterflies flying around. One decides to land on my head. I smile at how it liked me. It seems that butterflies just like me a lot.

Then I hear it. Sama's laughter. I look up, seeing the centipede finally done hatching. I turn to see a newly placed white butterfly.

'But I didn't even place one! Why is she laughing at me?'

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