Chapter 32: We'll Get Through

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Song Credits: Koven - Get Through

Italic - Importance/Text //// Bold - Emphasis/Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory

"I'm not perfect. Nobody is, you see. We're all just trying to get through..."


It has been a few days, and her leg was slowly healing itself. I was thankful that she was able to heal her own body. 

Everytime I'd look at it, I'd burst into tears. A painful reminder that I had screwed up.

Kintoru always held me, humming her song to me, making me clutch onto her and fall asleep. The nightmares got worse everynight. Flashes of being taken left upon me.

I needed a distraction from all of the pain. So while she slept I got dressed. Of course I hear her walking into the bedroom. "Where are you going love?" I smile sadly. "C'mon, I need to take a drive to help clear my head."

Sitting in the car with me, I start it up. Driving away from our home, Sama looks at me. Her red eyes were distracted with looking at my face.

Tears lined my cheeks. I had been crying again.

Sighing, "I was brash that night Sama. I'm so sorry about your leg. I didn't mean to leave, I just wanted to have some time alone. It stung when you ignored me..."

Sama then yelps. "Watch out!" I was so busy talking to her, that I didn't even see the red car coming up on us. Our eyes connect as it hits my poor car.

I was injured, badly. Her arms hold me close as she leaves the wreckage. Tears form in her eyes. "Butterfly, don't worry, I got you."

"T-toru..." It all went black.


Skyelle passes out in my arms. My eyes widen, and I sob as she does. Looking around I spot a hospital. Afraid that I might only end up losing her, I teleport us there.

It happened so fast.

Doctors take my darling away from me, and sitting there hurt. She only wanted to apologize, and we can't even have that. Just another person hurt by me.

Eventually I can see her, and wanted to cry as soon as I saw her unconscious body. Sitting by her bed, I hold her hand with mine.

The door opens, and I see my old enemy looking concerned. He sat by me, but I ignore him as I watch over the sleeping girl.

Silence was between us for so long. And then, "You really care about her, don't you?" His eyes look at me. I flinch at the sudden contact.

I abruptly get rid of the hand on my shoulder. "And why would you care? All you did was hate me." His sigh is a sad one. "I've seen how you are with her. I never thought you could change, but I was wrong. 

I'm not happy with our past, yet someone told me even the Beast of Control can redeem herself. It showed when you asked for my help. You were concerned for her, it just took a lot to make me see that Kintoru..."

Red eyes flicking over to him, I answer. "It- I just can't help my feelings for her. Skyelle was there for me, so why can't I return it for her? Besides, I don't want to be seen as a horrible woman for all I've done." He chuckles.

"At least you didn't try to kill me when we re-met each other. I could tell you were and are indeed still trying to change. Just please tell me when she's awake. I was worried when I found out." Nodding, I watch with curious eyes as he leaves.

My eyes dart back to her sleeping form. And then a cough, and she jolts awake. I tackle her, hugging the human close. "S-Sama?" 


"S-Sama?" She was crying, holding my hand in hers. I remember getting into an accident earlier. And the red car- I realize that my crazy Ex-Boyfriend had tried to kill me. Her red eyes look sad.

"I can't lose you Butterfly. Not again..." Her warmth hugs me, and for the first time since I woke up, I start crying with her. She almost lost me. But she was here, and that was all that mattered right now. 

"H-he tried to kill me Sama. I almost died..." Her red eyes are on mine. Her answer is low. "Who Butterfly?" I manage out, "My Ex-Boyfriend. Cayden. That car was his. I recognized it."

Sama's nails sharpen, and I wince in the hug. She lets me go. I watch as she mutters to herself. "What?" Red eyes glowing dangerously, "I need to kill him. For what he put you through, I-"

She knows she was scaring me, so she stops herself. "Sorry dear. All that matters is you getting better. I'll try to hold myself back." My eyes close. "No, you're right. He's gone too far." They open again.

Then she says something that catches my attention. "My old enemy was worried for you. He stopped by earlier, and we talked. It was something that the old me would never do." 

My smile was obvious. "What?" I giggle. "At least it went good. I'd never see you in a million years having an actual conversation without killing someone else." She picks me up, hugging me.

"I'm just glad that you are fine. And don't worry, we'll get through just fine..." I answer her, "I know."


Skyelle rests in our bed, cuddled up to me. My eyes watch her breathing patterns. I get up carefully, and leave her there.

Teleporting outside the residence she gave me, I walk up to the door. Using my nails, I unlock the door. TV sounds were in the living room, and I watch from the darkness as the leech was sleeping away.

Not for long though. He wakes, and screams at me. I cover the leeches mouth, and stab him slowly with my nails in the ribs. I hiss, "That's for trying to kill my Butterfly. I'll make sure that you die slowly and painfully..."

Laughing demonically, I leave the body to rot. My murderous traits were reappearing. I turn it into a cursed spirit, and let it fly to Jigoku. 

Let this be a warning to my old creator. Nobody messes with my human and gets away with it...


Sama told me what she did, and I was surprised that she actually went into detail. She sighs. "I broke my cycle of good this once..." I place my hand on hers. She watches me lean against her.

"Hey, it's not evil if it's to protect me, right? And thank you, I wanted that guy gone for so long. I couldn't do anything about it. You saved me."

Her red lips smile softly. "Your are welcome love. I'm glad I did that for you. I can't have anyone hurting my mate after all." We kiss, and she smiles down at me as I nap, snoring away contently in her arms. 

Content. That was what I was feeling right now...

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