Chapter 40: Meeting the Cloaked One

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Song Credits: GhostDragon & Caslow - Love Ain't Changing (feat. Alina Renae)

Italic - Importance/Text //// Bold - Emphasis/Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory

It's been a few days since the sleepover, and Skyelle finally gets some of her questions answered when they go to the old school.

However they find that they're not alone in there.

(My baby's debut chapter. 😭)


"I have a question Sama. About what happened before." Her red eyes look at me, then she goes back to what she was doing before. Sewing something.

Butterfly squeaks when I pet him, a smile on my face. She sighs. "You won't let this go, will you?" Smile widening. "Nope."

Her red lips twitch. I knew I was too irresistible. "Fine... I suppose my sewing can wait. What do you want to know?" My eyes brighten.

We make eye contact. Her pupils thin, then go back to normal. "Oh no... I knew what you are thinking."


"So why did you wanna come here for?" Yasu questions we stare at the abandoned school. Sama was there by me, arms crossed disdainfully.

"You know I hate this place, right dear?" My friend looks at her, a smug smile on his face. "That's why we're such good friends."

We enter the old school, lockers and backpacks left behind were in sight. Taking it in, Sama grimaced in pain. Her eyes were distant, almost as if she was reliving the past.

"I- I-" Poor Toru. "Oh Sama. It's okay, I'm here for you." She hugs me, as if I'd leave forever. My friend was busy looking around, leaving us to talk it out.

"Alright. I apologize love. It's not easy to forget who I was before." I smile reassuringly. "I know. That's why I'm here. For you." 

We hug each other again, and she says, "Let's go find your friend Butterfly. He must be waiting for us." I agree. We were so busy with each other that we might've forgotten about our third party.

We do end up getting lost for a bit, her leading me where her first friend would've stood years ago, a room with tumbled over desks.

But I knew that we'd have to find my friend eventually, so together we heard back to the locker room, the silence was heavy.


"Uhm guys...?" He sounds scared when he does speak up after ages. I hum. "Where are you?" No answer. Kintoru leads me with holding my hand in hers to where he might be.

"Yasu- what is that?" I sounded terrified. Kintoru equally as stunned. There in the corner, stood a tall creature donning a red cloak. A smiling mask was his face.

He stood there shaking. So was our company. My heartbeat thumped loudly in my ears. Sama then speaks up, "What in Jigoku is that?"

I laugh nervously. Then again, he did look adorable if he wasn't a tall demon in a darkened corner of the old school.

"...Control.." He talks in a whisper. I then register what he said. "Her?" I point at my girlfriend. It nods. "She's with us." 

"Jigoku..." It continued. Yasu then asks, "You know the Beast of Control?" Feeling brave, I approach him. Sama says, "Butterfly don't." Toru tries to stop me. I nod unsurely at her.

"I got this." Her claws drop from my grasp. "Okay..."

Standing up close was making my heart beat from  anticipation, but I stood my ground. "I'm Skyelle. What's your name?"

"Aka Manto. Control is here..." I nod. "Yeah. But she's good. Trust me?" It nods a bit. "Master not like her." Tilting my head. "Who?"

Most likely I'll never get an answer as it ignores my question. Sama takes it in. She knew who he was talking about, of course she would. 

Yet her silence isn't reassuring me. 

"Nice to meet you, uh Aka! I wanted to visit this place, so we're sorry that we intruded." It tilts it's head. "And uhm, Sama here means no harm. In fact she's kinda my..."

"...acquaintance." Her eyes sadden at my lie. Yet I didn't want the whole world to know that I was dating the Beast of Control herself. I then ask curiously, "Do you have a home Aka?"

The shake of his head made my heart ache. Poor guy. Probably had a shady past, but here was a human girl that wanted to see the best in every entity. Well, almost.

"No... home.. Just here." I look back at my waiting girlfriend. Yasu just was looking out of place right now. Her sigh meant she said yes to my ways yet again.

"Well, we do have room for another person. Do you wanna live with us?" The smile of the mask twitches up some. "That'll be fine..."



My friend said his goodbye, saying that if I had anymore questions that I should text him when he wasn't busy. Thankful for the words, I wave in return.

Sama was back on the couch sewing, and kissed my head when I sit by her. Aka was sitting down when I pat the seat by me. 

Obviously he knew that we were more than acquaintances when she kissed me. But knowing the beast of control, he didn't say anything about the showcase of her affection for me.

Sama hums when she runs her nails through my hair, making me lean sleepily against the smiling witch. Her red eyes looking at me affectionately.

After awhile, I give in into the sensations, falling asleep a minute later.


"You. You work for that shame of a king I presume?" I say coldly since she's sleeping, no way to get out of this now.

"...I am loyal to my creator..." I huff. "Then why're you so concerned about me then? I'd assume that you're no good as my dear thinks you are."

Red eyes glowing, my claws grow some. "She'd never know. Control..." Smirking evily, "She'd believe me. Not some entity that hides in an old school."

His mask holds silent resentment towards me, but I continue. "My darling here is too pure to understand who you are really. Shinigami follower."

Holding her close, as the creature watches me with an angry like look. Until it softens. Was the Beast of Control in love? Yes. Would he still hate me? Definitely.

But now I know that he'd get used to me from now on. 

Especially when he loved her as much as I did...

Mimic Me, I'm Yours (An OC x Sama/Kintoru Story)Where stories live. Discover now