Chapter 37

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Daniel's POV

It was Monday. 2 days without seeing Mila. I missed her so much. I needed a way to make things right with her. I wanted to be there for her. For us both to get through losing the baby.

However she wanted space. I didn't know how long I had to give her but it had only been a few days and I knew she'd not be ready to see me yet.

I went out for a run. Running was great for clearing my head. The past few days had been a lot and it hurt to be going through everything alone, without her. Without my beautiful, kind and loving girlfriend. A woman who I couldn't live without. A woman who I hoped in time would forgive me.

After my run I headed for a shower before getting changed. A little while later my phone began ringing. It was a number I didn't recognise.

"Hello," I said.

"Hi is that Daniel?" A voice asked.

"Yes. Who's this?" I asked.

"It's Gail. Mila's Mum,"

"Oh hi Gail. Sorry I didn't recognise your voice,"

"That's ok. I hope you don't mind. I took your number from Mila'a phone. I wanted to talk to you,"

"Of course not,"

"How are you doing?"

"Ok I guess. Much better than Mila I guess though,"

"Daniel... we are so worried about her. I feel like I'm losing my daughter,"

"What's going on?"

"She's not eating or drinking. She is barely sleeping. Before she goes to sleep I can hear her crying herself to sleep. I can't bear seeing her like this,"

"Was this what she was like when Josh died?"

"Partly. This is much worse. No one can get through to her. She's pushing everyone away and I don't know what else to do,"

"I'm so sorry Gail. This is all my fault,"

"Things happened sure but losing the baby has really hurt her Daniel. She needs you. She can't get through this alone,"

"I don't know... she was clear with me. She wanted space. I'm trying to give her that,"

"She's really hurting Daniel. Please I beg you. Come over and see her. If she orders you away fine but please try,"

"Ok I will. I'll pack a bag up and make my way over. I'll be there this evening,"

"Thank you Daniel. You can stay the night with us. I'll get the spare room ready for you,"

"It's no problem at all. Thank you. I'll see you later,"


I put the phone down and went to get a bag together. I had to try and speak to her. I couldn't just leave her suffering without trying something.

When I got all my things together I made the journey to Mila's parents house. I hoped I'd be able to help her. Her Mum was right. I had to try something. Being at home alone was not helping either of us.


I arrived at her parents house and pulled up on the driveway. It was raining heavily. I knocked on the door and Gail let me in.

"Thank you for coming Daniel. I know she asked for space but we can't keep seeing her like this. It's breaking our hearts," Gail said.

"It's ok. I couldn't believe when you told me. I feel awful. I should never have left her on her own. I know she's angry with me for my behaviour but I should have come straight here on Sunday night. Does she know I'm coming?" I asked.

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