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"Hey, Mom!" Bailey called as she let herself into her mom's house.

"In the kitchen, Baby Girl." Gemma called happily.

"Where else would you be?" Bailey teased as she kissed her mom on the cheek.

"Cheeky lil shit." Gemma laughed at her daughter as the girl shrugged off her Kutte and hung it over a chair.

"Right, where do you want me?" Bailey grinned as she tied her hair at the top of her head and looked around at the various ingredients over the counter tops.

"Peelin' an' washin'." Gemma chimed.

"Of course." Bailey chuckled as she picked up the vegetable peeler.

As they got to work prepping and cooking, Bailey and her Mom had a great laugh. Mainly reciting embarrassing memories about Jax. But just as they sat down at the table, everything cooking in the oven, and on the stove, Gemma's face dropped slightly. Bailey just rolled her eyes and chuckled as she took her hair out of the messy bun on top of her head.

"Go on." Bailey urged as she lit a cigarette and handed it to her mother. Gemma just sighed gently as the younger woman lit her own smoke.

"Why so long, baby?" Gemma asked cautiously.

"I dunno, I got caught up, carried away. Did a lot of different jobs, figured out a lot about myself. But nothing quite stuck the way home does." Bailey half explained.

"Not find love on your way around?" Her Mom asked with a half smile.

"Not exactly." Bailey chuckled.

"We were so worried. You never told us where you were, didn't even know if you were alive." Gemma said, unimpressed.

"Well, i - shit. Mom, i did tell someone." Bailey said sheepishly.

"Well, who?" Gemma asked quickly.


"What? Why, Juice?" Gemma almost choaked. "I know you two were friends, but he - he never said anything."

"I told him not to unless i was direly needed." Bailey shrugged. "Juice isn't as deep into the Club. it didn't bother him enough to talk about it."

The front door opened and closed, and the sound of bikes pulling into the drive echoed as Jax wandered down the hallway.

"Didn't bother him." Gemma scoffed with a laugh. "The first year you were gone, Juice barely spoke to anyone but Chibs."

"That boy wasn't the same when you left, Darlin." Jax grinned and kissed Gemma on the cheek. "Got a lil close, didn't you?" He teased as he kissed Bailey's head.

"How close we talkin'?" Gemma asked quickly as she glared at her daughter.

"Not right now, Ma'." Bailey dismissed.

"What we talking about?" Tig grinned
cheekily as he led the rest of the guys into the kitchen.

"Just my daughters shenanigans with boys." Gemma smirked as she eyed her daughter.

"Hope you didn't sleep with too many dipshits while you were away, lass." Chibs joked.

"Not many guys. Whole lotta girls." Bailey winked.

"Some things don't change." Bobby laughed.

"Who was the best?" Tig grinned as he took a seat at the table.

"I'm ain't sayin' shit." Bailey laughed as she moved to her seat at the table.

"Might as well, Darlin. Anything to do with pussy and they're all over it." Jax laughed as he sat across from her.

Bailey 'The Bullet' TellerWhere stories live. Discover now