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"Hey! Hey! I know you're in there!" Jax called as his fist hammered away quickly at the front door.

It was early. TM had only just opened, Jax wasn't even entirely sure why he was awake. Actually, yes, he was. His mother had almost pounded down his front door at the first ray of sunlight, rambling on about how Bailey was missing.

The front door swung open to see a damp Juice, barefooted and shirtless, wearing nothing but his jeans. He looked a little startled to see Jax on his doorstep, the blonde looking slightly pissed off and very amused.

"My sister here?" Jax asked in a way which said he already knew the answer. His eyes trailing over Juice's abdomen, which had a few light bruises dotted over it.

"Yeah. Everythin' okay?" Juice asked quickly as he stepped aside to let his brother in.

"Yeah, mom was freakin' out." Jax sighed. "Sorry, man."

"No worries, we were headin' to TM soon anyway." Juice laughed. "Coffee?" He offered as he led Jax into the kitchen.

"Sure. Thanks." Jax laughed. "Where's the lil shit?"

"Right here." Bailey chuckled as she came into sight. Dressed in tight black jeans and a navy Sons T-shirt. Her hair braided and still wet.

Jax gave his sister a look he'd given her countless times over the years. She could practically hear him asking 'really' in that amused condescending tone.

"Go get ready, Baby. I got this." Bailey urged softly as she bumped Juice's hip with her own.

Juice was going to protest, but she'd already taken the mug and teaspoon out of his hands. As Juice left the room, Jax gave him a small nod and smile. That smile quickly turned to shock when he saw the scratches down the Rican's back.

"Wanna tell me why you haven't been answerin' your phone?" Jax asked amused when Bailey placed mugs of coffee down on the small dining table in the kitchen.

"Missed the one off Chibs by accident." Bailey shrugged.

"And mom?" Jax urged as he lit a cigarette to hand to her.

"Muted her number." She said guiltily.

"Why?" Jax laughed.

"Just didn't wanna be bothered, or pulled into some errand." Bailey half explained.

"No one has heard off you since you were in Yosemite, two days ago." Jax pointed out.

"I know." Bailey shrugged. "Needed time to think."

"Mom thought you split, Bails." Jax sighed.

"Well that's a lil dramatic." She laughed in shock.

"Jus' call her." Jax smirked. "You tell him what Clay gave you?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah, said I should wear it. That I'd already do the work so I might as well let people see I'm not a weak link in the Club." She half explained.

"Think he might be right, Darlin." Jax sighed.

"I know, wanna talk to Chibs first though." She chuckled.

Jax nodded understandingly as he took a sip of his coffee. He couldn't help but smirk when Juice came back into the kitchen, dressed and ready for the day, and kissed Bailey's head as he sat down at the table with them. 'Shut up' Bailey had scoffed at the look on her brothers face.

When Jax, Bailey and Juice got to TM most of the guys were already there. Bailey hung her helmet on her bikes handlebars, after she climbed off the back of Juice's, and walked over to the office. She leant in the doorway for a moment, her mom not even realising she was there.

Bailey 'The Bullet' TellerWhere stories live. Discover now