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"All patched in, Darlin." Jax grinned. "How's it feelin'?"

"Like I'm home."

Jax laughed and pulled her into his side by her shoulder. Placing a kiss to the top of her head. All the guys were hovering around outside, drinking beers and celebrating Bailey's Patch In. It was shaping up to be a nice night, warm with a soft cool breeze. Until Blue lights flashed and sirens blared down the road.

"Tig, outta sight!" Jax instructed.

Tig got into the Club House just in time for two Cop cars to pull into the Lot. Both had their sirens and lights, drawing all of their attention. They all stood up and gathered together, waiting to see what the problem was.

Hale stepped out of his car. Looking smug. His eyes scanning over the group of bikers who all stood straight with they shoulders square and beers and cigarettes in their hands.

"Bailey The Bullet Teller." Hale said loudly. "You're under arrest."

"Oh really?" Bailey smiked. "Got a warrent?"

Hale laughed slightly and pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket. He unfoled it and took another longing look over it before scrunching it up and throwing it at her. She caught it easily and shoved it in her pocket.

"You not gonna read it?" Hale asked, unimpressed.

"Nope." Bailey shrugged. "Seems like you don't have a warrent anymore." She smirked.

The guys all around her laughed slightly. But she just put her beer down on the bench and walked towards Hale. She turned around and put her hands behind her back. As she felt the cuffs tighten, she couldn't help herself.

"Normally, guys like you don't get the luxury of puttin' me in cuffs. Excited, Hale?" She spoke flirtily.

"Jesus Christ." Hale scoffed as the MC guys laughed.

He slammed her down onto the hood of the car and kicked her feet apart. She laughed slightly as he patted her down, checking for weapons, silently thanking herself for not picking her guns up again. But as his hand slipped into the front pocket of her hoodie, his hand grazing a little too close to her breast for her comfort, she squirmed. Juice saw it instantly. He gritted his teeth and stepped forward, Chibs quickly pulling him back by the shoulder.

"Easy!" She snapped.

"Shut up." Hale shot and pushed her back down onto the car.

"Hey! Be fuckin' careful with her." Jax warned.

Hale took the warrent from her pocket and held up a little zip lock bag with four prerolled joints inside.

"I got a card for that." Bailey stated.

"Oh, i bet you do." Hale agreed.

Just as Hale started reading her rights another Cop car pulled up. Bailey was a little confused as to why they thought they needed three cop cars, but when she saw Wayne climb out and rush towards Hale she could see that the Cheif was not impressed.

"Hi, Wayne." She smiled, face still pressed to the Cop car.

"Hi." Wayne sighed. "What are you doing, son? I said I'd pick her up." Unser asked Hale quickly.

"Warrent came through early." Hale shrugged.

"Sorry to interrupt, but what are the charges?" Bailey chuckled.

"Murder, a guy from New York, name was Connor Hall." Wayne explained to the girl.

"Who?" Bailey asked confused, only vaguely recognising the name.

Bailey 'The Bullet' TellerWhere stories live. Discover now