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"You're playin' with fire, Baby." Juice warned lowly.

"Burn me. God, Juice, fuckin' burn me."

Bailey was breathless, her cheeks flushed slightly, as her dark eyes locked on Juice's. Her bottom lip clamped between her teeth, making his breathing so much heavier, he'd always been weak for her lustful expressions. They suddenly moved at the same time, both holding each others faces as their lips met in a needy kiss.

They panted against eachothers lips as their tongues and lips moved almost clumsily. The last five years worth of tension all erupting at once as their hands moved freely over each other. Juice had almost forgotten just how responsive she was to him. The way she tilted her head into his palm shivered and arched her body as his hands travelled up her t-shirt.

Her gasps drove him into a frenzy as he kneaded her boob over her bra, his hand tight in her hair while he trailed sloppy kisses over her jaw to her ear. Her hips moved slowly, grinding herself onto his rock-hard length, breathlessly moaning from his kisses and the pressure to her core.

"What d'you need, Princess?" Juice asked lowly, his voice barely above a whisper, but it sent a shock wave through Bailey as she whimpered.

"Everything you can give me, Juicy."

Juice grinned as he kissed down her neck, nipping and sucking lightly on his way over her skin. He didn't have to think when it came to teasing and pleasuring Bailey. From the very first time with her, it came completely natural, the way they fit together, the way he could read her reactions. He just forgot how stunning she was on top of him like this, how her body fit against his, the taste of her skin on his lips. No words needed speaking as he guided her t-shirt over her head and reconnected their lips effortlessly.

She shuddered and moaned softly from the simplest of touches by him, just his large hands trailing up her back and neck to her hair the way he rolled his body slightly in time with her movements to feel as much of her against him as possible, had her desperate for him.

Juice sucked sharply on the soft spot on the nape of Bailey's neck, and she let out a whimpering moan, dropping her head to the side to give him better access. As he sucked a mark on her neck, Juice's undid the back of her bra with one hand and slipped one of the straps down with the other. They both grinned as he guided both of the straps down over her arms and tossed her bra to the side, and reconnected their lips.

His hands were firm across her body, moving everywhere from her hair, face, neck, hips, ass and tits. Wherever he touched, he made her moan softly into the kiss and shudder. Juice surprised her slightly when he pulled her to flush against him with a firm hand to the small of her back. But she quickly started giggling as he rolled them over so he was on top of her.

Juice grinned too as he pressed a soft kiss to her lips before sitting back on his knees. His hands on her hips, tracing soft circles with his thumbs as he took in the sight of her.

Bailey's hair was fanned out around her on the pillow, her cheeks slightly flushed and lips swollen a tiny amount. Her body hadn't changed a whole lot since he'd last seen her so naked in front of him like this. But she was slightly curvier. Marked with more tattoos on her arms and her old Kutte patches on her chest. She'd had her back reaper done before she left, and a couple smaller tattoos on her arms, but now she had more than him. But they suited her so well.

"You're so fuckin' beautiful, Bee." Juice said softly, almost breathless as his eyes raked over her.

"Not so bad yourself, Ortiz." She smirked playfully.

Juice laughed slightly as he moved to hover over her, kissing her again before he began trailing sloppy kisses down her neck, sucking small bruises as he went. He was completely lost in the noises she made and the way her body moved beneath him. Groaning lowly at the almost relieved moan that left her as he took her nipple in between his lip, lapping his tongue over her hardened bud and sucking softly.

Bailey 'The Bullet' TellerWhere stories live. Discover now