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Surprisingly, Tara hadn't made any complaints when she opened her front door to see Bailey sitting on her bike outside of her house. Tara said a quick 'hello' and explained she was running late, got in her car, and drove with the bike following her closely. Bailey had dropped in to see Abel once they were at the hospital, sitting with him for a little while and reading to him. On her way out of the hospital, she saw Tara filling out forms at the nurses' station.

"Hey." Bailey spoke quietly as she approached the doctor. "You call me if y'see him here. I'll try and pick y'up."

"You dont have to do that." Tara dismissed.

"It might be a long day. Just text me when y'home if I ain't by the car." Bailey shrugged.

By the time Bailey pulled into TM, Half-Sack was just coming out of the garage office. She parked her bike, grabbed a can of Monster from her saddlebag, and made her way into the office, half waving at Sack as she passed.

"Long night?" Kip chuckled.

"Got a bit too high, passed out, and woke up a couple hours later." Bailey explained as she dropped down in the chair and cracked open the can of energy drink.

"You know those are real bad f'you, right?" Sack chuckled as he gestured to the can in her hand.

"Leave my 'Nap in a Can' alone." She rolled her eyes playfully. But Half-Sack snatched the can from her hand. "Dude!"

"Lemme do you a coffee. If you still want this shit after, be my guest." Kip shrugged. Bailey glared at him for a moment but sighed and nodded slightly.

"Thank you." She agreed.

When Sack moved to the side room, she lit herself a cigarette and started flicking through paperwork, TM appointments for the day, and work rota's. Chibs and Bobby rode into the Lot first, as Half-Sack placed a cup of coffee next to Bailey.

"Thanks, Kip." Bailey smiled up at him.

"No worries, your Ol' Man should be here in an hour or two." He teased playfully.

Bailey grinned for a spilt second as she blew on her coffee, nodding slightly at the Prospect. But he looked back at her with happy surprise.

"Not gonna correct me on callin' 'im your Ol' Man?" He asked playfully.

"Prospect, get outta here." Chibs spoke clearly from the office door behind Kip.

"Shit, yeah. Okay." Half-Sack agreed quickly and slipped past Chibs in the door.

The Scotsmen watched Kip until he was out of earshot and starting to open the garage. Chibs stepped into the office and slipped off his sunglasses as he dropped down in the chair across the table from Bailey.

"How yah feelin', sweetheart?" Chibs asked gently.

"Good. Bit stupid. Very tired." Bailey shrugged.

"Thought you'd 'ave slept great." He chuckled.

"Woke up at half three this mornin'." She said guiltily.

"What? Why?" Chibs asked quickly. "Y'were out cold."

"Turned over, and the bed was cold." Bailey admitted sheepishly.

"He'll be back soon." Chibs chuckled.

"Can't wait." She laughed softly.

"Y'gonna talk t'him?" He asked carefully.

"Yeah. Maybe not tonight, but real soon." Bailey agreed.

"Good, lass." Chibs nodded with a smile.

"Mornin." Gemma grumbled as she entered the office.

Bailey 'The Bullet' TellerWhere stories live. Discover now