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"We all agree that Bullet can sit in Otto's seat?" Clay asked looking around at the guys, whilst Bailey stood by the doors to Chapel she had just closed.

"Well she's got his Proxy." Bobby chuckled teasingly as the others nodded.

"Sit down." Clay instructed the only female in the room, a slightly harsh tone in his voice, determind to see how she coped with a little stress from the Club Members at the table.

Bailey gave a singular nod wordlessly and moved to Otto's seat. Between Bobby and Kozik. Both men giving her a small smile and nod of encouragement, Kyle and Piney shooting her winks. Across from her, Chibs had a proud gleam in his eyes. She was technically his prospect, and she was sat at the table already, after a few short months, already voted in but none the wiser.

"Big Otto, he's in on second-degree murder. Nothin' we can do, lawyers tried their best but the bastard got caught on camera." Clay sighed. "He wants to be our man on the inside, help out Lenny The Pimp, now Lenny's health is a little... rocky." He chose his words carefully, cigar hanging between his finger and thumb.

"How was he today?" Jax asked. Otto only just being allowed visitors in Stockton State Prison. The question was directed at Bailey, who was lighting a cigarette, seeing as she had been the first to visit him. On her own request.

"As alright as he can be." Bailey nodded. "He's worried about Luann, asked f'us to keep her close, keep her safe." She spoke, her eyes flicking between Clay and Jax at the top of the table. Her hands slightly clammy from nerves as she found herself sat in Church on invitation for the first time ever, the guys wanting to hear what she had to say. "He was real happy t'know he'd have one last vote." She chuckled sadly.

"We'll make sure t'keep Luann's studio runnin'. She likes you and Gemma best, so you visit her regularly while she adjusts and make sure t'let her know she can call if she needs anythin'." Clay instructed the girl.

Bailey nodded in agreement, blowing smoke from her lips, making a mental note to go and visit Luann at the house or Studio once a week for an hour or so. Gemma can be responsible for arranging the wine and gossip nights that Bailey will no doubt get dragged to.

"Tell us about the boy then, Chibs." Clay chuckled.

"Juicy Boy." Chibs grinned. "He's smart, computer smart. I 'ave no clue what the bloody hell he did t'the computers, but they work fan-fuckin'-tastic. He did the new CCTV, too. Again no clue how but its there." He explained very unhelpfully.

"Street smart?" Kozik asked curiously.

"Aye, i'd say so. Not as much as us but he ain't helpless." Chibs spoke fairly. "He's worked like a dog the past two weeks, him and Lil Bee hangin' camera's and wires day an' night, he's an alright mechanic, listens good. He can't walk past mess either, has t'clean it." He chuckled.

"Can he shoot?" Kyle asked.

"Oh yeah, took 'im the other day. Aim's a bit shite, but he ain't shot much. He'll get better." Chibs nodded. "He's a good learner, wants t'be helpful."

"You want to sponser him, Chibby?" Clay offered.

"Aye." Chibs nodded. "Boy can hack into anythin'. Watched 'im myself. Think he could be useful."

"Can he be trusted?" Piney asked gruffly. "He's very new, ain't hung around like other prospects."

"I think so." The scot stated. "He's drifted around on his own f'a few months. Bit lost, no family, he jus' wants t'belong."

Bailey 'The Bullet' TellerWhere stories live. Discover now