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Juice woke up slowly for the first time in a week. His arms wrapped around Bailey, her back pressed firmly to his chest as he curled around her. The sweet smell of her shampoo lingering in her hair, which was sprawled in front of his face along the pillow. He hadn't even opened his eyes yet, but a sleepy smile spread across his face as he moved impossibly closer to her, his face nuzzled into the back of her neck.

As his arm tightened around her slightly, she let out a content sigh, her hand moving to hold his that was flush to her collar bone.

"Mornin', gorgeous." Bailey hummed softly.

"Mornin'." Juice smiled against the soft skin at the base of her neck. His voice was rough from sleep. The gravel in his tone sent a shiver down her spine

Juice picked up on the way goosebumps spread across her skin and chuckled softly as he pressed feather-light kisses across her shoulder. He guided her to lay back as he lifted himself up on the arm that was under her pillow. Bailey hummed contently as he kissed along her collarbone and up her neck until he was at her jaw. Where he sunk his teeth into the soft flesh right below her jaw.

"What the-?" Bailey started laughing. Juice chuckled guiltily as he settled back down beside her. A wide grin on his face when she turned to face him. "And here I was thinkin' y'were being sweet an' romantic."

"Oh, i'll pick y'up some flowers of m'way home from the office to make up for it, my love." Juice joked teasingly.

"Please do not." Bailey laughed softly.

"Don't tell me y'don't like flowers." Juice spoke with a slightly shocked expression.

"Flowers are fine." She shrugged before she placed a soft kiss to his lips and shuffled out of the bed. His eyes were tracking her naked frame as she scooped up his T-shirt from the night before and slipped it on.

"What have y'ex's got you if y'don't like flowers?" He asked seriously as he sat up in the bed.

"I've been in one actual relationship, an' I was the one buyin' the flowers." Bailey chuckled slightly.

"You're 25 and never been bought flowers?" Juice clarified as she made her way out of the room.

"You're really hung up on this." Bailey stated as she padded down the hallway.

In the few moments it took Juice to pull on some shorts and follow her, Bailey was already in the kitchen and waiting on the coffee machine. He snaked his arms around her waist and kissed along her neck. A soft moan fell from her lips as she leant against him, angling her head to give him better access.

They'd took their coffee's into the garden, the early morning breeze waking them up more than the coffee. It was these kinds of moments that they loved the most. When the Club was calm, they weren't busy for a while, and they just felt normal. At least until Bailey's phone started ringing. She sighed, cigarette smoke being blown from her lips in the process. Juice chuckled and kissed the side of her head before moving his arm from around her shoulders.

"Hello?" Bailey said down the phone.

"Hey, just wanted t' let you know that I don't need you t' escort me to the hospital." Tara's voice spoke slightly amused.

"Why not?" Bailey urged.

"I gotta go in earlier, in like two hours. So i should be fine." Tara said happily.

"Nice try, Knowles. I'll be there." Bailey chuckled before hanging up the phone.

She lent back in to Juice's side and took a drag of her cigarette, Juice happily wrapping his arm around her again. Just as she picked up her coffee and Juice was about to ask how Tara was, her phone rung again. 

Bailey 'The Bullet' TellerWhere stories live. Discover now