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Juice woke up first. He wasn't even too sure if he'd actually slept. But he just lay in her bed with her, held her close, trailed soft patterns along the skin of her back that was exposed from his t-shirt rising up on her. She held him tight, almost affraid he would leave. But she looked so peaceful as she slept. Just like she had every night in Queens.

He begrudgingly got out of the bed, being so careful not to wake her. After taking a quick shower, Juice got dressed. He took another one of his T-shirts from her dufflebag and chuckled slightly when he saw she had kept the boxers he'd left at hers in New York as he took a pair. He pulled on his jeans from the day before and crawled back into the bed with her.

Juice just stayed there, holding her, playing with her hair, until he heard Jax's door open next door. He stiffened slightly. There was a damn good chance that he would come and knock on for his sister. But the breath he had been holding in slowly left as he heard Jax trudging down the stairs.

It was probably only an hour later when he heard a soft tap at the door. He didn't know what to do. He shouldn't even be in here.

"Juicy, it's jus' me." He heard Chibs voice say quietly.

Juice got up out of the bed and walked over to the door. He sighed slightly as he unlocked it and opened it just enough to see Chibs.

"Knew you'd be in there." Chibs grinned. "We gotta go. Been an explosion at the warehouse."

"Oh shit. Alright." Juice nodded and looked over his shoulder.

"Clay said to leave 'er here for now." Chibs informed.


He quickly put his boots on and grabbed his kutte, gun, and knife and followed Chibs down the hallway. A small amount of guilt was sitting in his gut for having to leave before Bailey woke up.

Bailey wandered across the lot of TM towards the office. She had woken up to her bedroom door closing, and a few minutes later, a loud rumbling of bikes all pulled off the lot. She'd showered and got dressed, black jeans and grey flannel shirt along with her kutte and combat boots. The second she had stepped out of her room, she knew every one of the guys had left, but that thought was only solidified when she saw hers and Piney's bikes sat alone.

"What happened?" Bailey asked Piney as she approached him sitting on a bench.

"Warehouse campfire." Piney said gruffly.

"Shit. Alright. I'll see what I can find out." She said as she lit a cigarette.

"You been asked to?" He chuckled.

"No, I got left in bed." She laughed.

"Never did wait to be asked." Piney smiled. "I remember how you used to hide under the Chapel table to hear what was going on."

"That's how I got my seat." She shrugged with a happy smile.

"You sure you want that back?" Piney asked sincerely. "Could stay out of it, stick around, become an Ol' Lady." He suggested.

"I want my seat back, I want my Bottom Rocker and Mayhem patches back. Don't think I'm the Ol' Lady type."

"Sure y'are. Just gotta let yourself." Piney smiled.

"Gonna get to work, see y'later old man." Bailey chuckled.

Bailey sat at the Chapel table on her laptop, a cup of coffee next to her and a map of Charming, and the close surrounding areas on the other side, marking all of the security cameras. She'd hacked into one down the road from their warehouse, watched as a blacked out van drove down the road, fifteen minutes later she saw the light of the explosion, and then the same van raced away. She paused the recording and zoomed in. The guys in the van were all Mexican. She ran their faces through facial recognition software, printing out each file she had on each of them. Then she started tracking the van to where they had ended up. Another warehouse, really not far away from theirs. Mayan territory. She wrote down the address and put all the information she gathered into an envolope and trailed outside.

Bailey 'The Bullet' TellerWhere stories live. Discover now