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On the ride over to the Clubhouse, Juice had his hand rubbing up and down Bailey's bare thigh whenever he could. When he'd sat on his bike when they first left his house, he'd hooked his hands behind her knees and pulled her even closer. He knew she shouldn't really be on the bike with nothing on her legs, and he would have reminded her of it, but she'd been riding a little longer than he had and he'd seen her willingly do it more than once.

When they pulled into TM, Chibs, Bobby, Tig, and Half-Sack were all sat around the picnic bench. Once the guys caught sight of Bailey and Juice, there was a chorus of wolf-whistles, and Juice laughed when he heard Bailey groan behind him as she hid her face in his shoulder. He slipped out from in front of her first and shrugged off his kutte. She skillfully held her bag behind her ass whilst Juice shielded her front with his leather.

"You've done this before." Bailey joked as she climbed off his bike.

"Actually, haven't." Juice laughed, gently pulling down the hem of her dress on her thighs whilst she took off her helmet.

"Well, would you get'a look at you." Tig teased as they walked towards the guys.

Juice's arm around her waist, Kutte hanging in his other hand on the way over. He lightly slapped her ass when they were closer, Bailey grabbed her pack of cigarettes out of her bag and pulled out a joint, not hesitating to light it. When she looked around at the guys, they were all grinning at her like idiots.

"What?" She sighed.

"Take the jacket off, Doll." Tig urged. "M'sure Juicy spent a lotta time pickin' the perfect outfit not for it t'be hidden by y'leather."

Bailey scoffed playfully at Tig, but Juice was nodding happily in agreement. She rolled her eyes slightly and placed her joint between her lips to shrug off the jacket, Juice instantly behind her and easing it down her arms.

"Gis a twirl, Princess." Chibs beamed, holding his hand out to her.

The moment Bailey's hand was in his, he raised it above her head and guided her into a spin. The guys playfully whistling and chuckling before Chibs held her hand out to Juice.

"Y'look great, sweetheart." Bobby chimed.

"Why you all dressed up?" Kip asked curiously.

"Gotta be the Ring Girl." Bailey shrugged as she leant into Juice's side, his hand snaking around her waist. "Condition to get y'in the line up. So don't lemme down cause I feel like a twat."

"Y'look amazin'." Juice grinned.

"A lil slutty, but amazing." Tig agreed with a laugh.

"Did you jus' say 'twat'?" Chibs asked amused.

"Too much time in Ireland." Bailey nodded and handed the joint off to Juice.

"Whats this?" Tig beamed as he poked Juice's neck where Bailey had left an imprint of her lips in red on his skin.

"Markin' my territory." Bailey chuckled.

"Might get it tattooed." Juice grinned cheekily.

"Really?" Bailey smirked.

"That gonna be your Crow, Juicy?" Bobby teased.

"Somethin' like that." Juice agreed happily.

"When you gettin' yours?" Tig grinned at Bailey.

"Now I don't see how that's any of your business, Tiggy." Bailey quipped with a playful tone and smirk. But everyone saw the way the couple looked at each other, with small smiles, out of the corners of their eyes.

Bailey 'The Bullet' TellerWhere stories live. Discover now