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"Y'such a goddamn tease." Juice accused as Bailey moved off his bike. She stood right in front of him, her eyes dark and a sultry smirk on her face. The cool night air licking at their skin and the silence almost humming.

"Did y'not like it, Juan Carlos?" She asked with a tone like velvet. His breath hitching slightly at the sound of his name on her lips.

On the ride back, Juice had been gripping her thigh, grabbing her hand and guiding it to his lips to kiss and lightly bite her fingers. It had been driving her insane. So Bailey decided to push it a step further. Give him a taste of his own medicine. By easing her hands under his tee, running her nails over his abs and back down again to his clothed crotch. She palmed him through the rough denim, kissed over his shoulders whilst he tried to focus on riding.

"It wasn't funny, I coulda crashed." Juice said lowly. 

"But y'didn't." She smirked. "Did such a good job takin' it, baby." Bailey praised as she ran her nails over the nape of his neck, his rough hands travelling up her bare arms. "Got us back t'your house in one piece an' everythin'."

"As far as I'm concerned, this is your house too now." Juice smirked as he roughly pulled her to him by the crease between her ass and thighs.

"Hmm, really?" She teased.

"I've fucked you on almost every surface. It's your house." He spoke firmly, his lips ghosting hers.

"Almost every surface?" Bailey asked smirking, she was pretty damn sure they'd fucked on every surface of this house at least once in the first weekend they were here together.

"One more i wanna make y'squirm on." Juice spoke roughly before capturing her lips in a desperate kiss.

Juice dipped down quickly, without breaking their needy kiss, and lifted her up with a bruising grip on the globes of her ass. He held her tight to him, her hands on the back of his head and the side of his neck. He pushed her back against the front door, a gasp leaving her as she thudded against the wood. The moment her heeled feet touched the floor again his hands were all over her, groping her breasts, squeezing her hips, craddling her jaw and tangling in her hair. The only noise that could be heard was their laboured breaths as their lips and tongues moved together.

He guided her head to the side with a light tug of her hair, a whimper leaving her throat at the tension, as he broke the kiss. It was barely a second after Juice's lips left Bailey's that he began placing sloppy open mouth kisses and light bites to her jaw and neck. The breathless moans leaving her drove him insane and he tugged down the front if her dress to expose her tits. He rolled one in his hand, pinching her nipple between his fingers, as his lips latched around the other and rolled his tongue over the hardened bud.

"Fuck, Juicy." Bailey hummed as her head fell back onto the door, and her hand smoothed over his mohawk. "We're on the street, baby." She reminded with a smirk.

"And on camera." Juice reminded cheekily with her nipple pinched between his teeth, as he quickly gestured to his CCTV camera that was angled down at the door.

"Kinky bastard." Bailey chuckled with a smirk and looked up at the camera breifly.

Juice laughed guiltily as he moved to her other breast and gave that tit the same attention with his mouth. After a few moments he straightened her dress, just about covering her, the mound of her nipples straining against the silky fabric. He reconnected their lips, his hand holding her firm to him by the back of her neck as the other trailed down her body.

Juice kicked her feet apart and ran his fingers up and down her inner thigh. She was already a mess. Desperate for his touch where she needed it most. And he knew. He loved it. Juice didn't get too rough or dominating with her very often, but when he did it made her weak. Made him reveal in what he could do to her.

Bailey 'The Bullet' TellerWhere stories live. Discover now