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"Go get 'im, Bullet." Clay instructed Bailey.

The youngest Son nodded and stood up from her seat, straightened out her kutte as she rounded the table and hid any hint of a smile off her face. She opened the Chapel doors to see Juice polishing glasses behind the bar.

"Prospect." She called. Juice's head shooting up quickly. "In." The Teller woman instructed simply.

Juice didn't waste a goddamn second in rushing towards the Chapel doors. Making sure to close them as he entered. He looked around a little unsure what was going on, but everyone in that room looked a little sad and slightly pissed off. But Chibs rose from his seat, taking threatening steps towards his prospect. Forcing Juice to take a step back until his back bumped into Bailey.

"Take off the kutte." Bailey spoke lowly.

Juice turned his head to face her. His eyes a little wide as he tried to see any hint of her joking on her face.


"Take off the fuckin' kutte!" Chibs spat sharply.

Juice visibly flinched and nodded slightly. He sighed sadly as he shrugged off his leather, the cool material sliding down the skin of his arms. Standing there with it in his fist as he looked at Bailey for further instruction. But she gestured to the table for him to lay it down. He did what she hinted, laying the shiny well-looked-after leather down with the back of the garmet facing up towards them.

The Rican's eyes were locked to the kutte that he assumed was no longer his. He registered Chibs moving slightly beside him, then the Scott slammed down a knife onto the kutte.

"Cut off that Prospect Rocker." Chibs instructed.

Juice sighed and nodded, picking up the knife. He took a split second before he carefully began picking and cutting the thread that held the rocker to the leather. A million questions running through his head.

What did he do wrong? Where does he go now? Is he allowed to stay in contact with anyone? Chibs? Jax? Bailey? What was he going to do now? Is he back to square one like he was a year ago? Drifting around until he could get a job? Having to start looking for somewhere he could belong again?

He was so wrapped up in his own head as he cut off that rocker, that he hadn't realised Bailey had moved away from him... and then came back. She stood side on, facing him.

"Then you can sew these on, Juicy. Since y'part of the family now." Her voice was soft, and slightly teasing like it usually was when she spoke to him.

Juice watched as she placed down a handful of new patches. Sons of Anarchy. California. Redwood Original. SAMCRO. He was stunned as his eyes trailed up her arm to her face, a small smile spread on her lips. Juice's face broke out in a grin, his eyes locked to hers for a moment, before he dropped his head and started laughing. Chibs clapped his back and started laughing too. And one by one, every man at that table was laughing cheekily. All standing up to congratulate him. Bro hugs and pats on the back. Welcoming the newest member of SAMCRO.

"Proud o'you, Darlin'." Bailey hummed as she held him close. Her hand on the back of his head with his arms wrapped around her and they swayed from foot to foot.

The Patch in Party was in full swing. A couple of Crow Eaters and Hangarounds manning the bar. Bailey had been jokingly dancing with Tig and Kozik for a while, at least until she got a bit too dizzy from being spun around so damn much. She was definitely a little drunk, and a little more high when she trailed over to the bar where Juice was chatting away with Chibs.

Bailey 'The Bullet' TellerWhere stories live. Discover now