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The first day without Juice in his house, Bailey had felt like a lost puppy. The second day she was a little more distracted, visiting Donna and Opie in the morning, going to her mother's Fund Raiser, and then watching Tig burn off Kyle's reapers. She was usually pretty good at turning off her emotions, but the smell of his burning flesh and the way he hung limp made her feel sick. Juice had called her that night, like he had the night before, and he could instantly hear the discomfort in her voice. She'd told him everything, how it was harder to switch off how she felt because she'd known Kyle, and while it was the rules, it didnt sit well with her that he'd been burned like that.

By the third afternoon Bailey was pretty much convinced she was going insane. She'd started cooked different meals and freezing it. Why? She was bored. Between her shifts at TM she had been visiting Donna and Abel. The days were alright, it was pretty easy to keep busy. But the nights, where it was usually just her and Juice, she felt a little empty. She'd asked herself a thousand times how she had managed to live completely alone for seven years, because how she was acting right now was ridiculous. It really didn't help that she couldn't stop thinking Juice was probably fooling around with Jury's escorts.

If she was being completely honest with herself, it wasn't just Juice she was missing. She missed Chibs. She needed his little pearls of wisdom. She contemplated talking to Donna and Opie, but they had enough of their plates at the moment so she had decided against it. She'd just wait for her favourite Scotsmen.

Her phone ringing pulled her attention from her thoughts. She sighed and reached over the dining table and flicked open her phone. She couldn't help but roll her eyes slightly. Gemma. She'd been calling a few times a day, normally at very inconvenient times, just to talk. And ask questions.

"Hi mom." Bailey greeted and sipped her coffee.

"Hi Baby, you busy?" Gemma asked.

"Depends. What d'you need?" She asked.

"Can you to talk to Tara?" Gemma asked sweetly.

"Oh god. No, absolutely not. Leave her alone, mom." Bailey sighed.

"No, its not what you think." Gemma rushed. Bailey stayed silent waiting for her mother to explain. "She's carrying a Gun."

"Oh no, the ex-Ol' Lady is carryin' a gun. Alert the press." Bailey spoke with mocked panic.

"She's jumpy, Bailey. She's had a restraining order before she moved back here." Gemma said firmly. "I just want you to talk to her, see if she will tell you anythin'."

"Why do you know that? That isnt something you should know. Please, for everyone's sanity, leave Tara alone." Bailey groaned as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Please? I just wanna know if she's gonna bring trouble." Gemma asked again.

"She ain't gonna tell me shit." Bailey reasoned.

"But you'll try?" Gemma asked.

"Yes. But I'm not sayin' I'll tell you anythin'." Bailey said seriously.

"Thank you." Gemma chuckled. "Hows Juice, you heard off him?"

"Someones at the door, bye mom, love you." Bailey lied easily and hung up the phone.

Bailey opened her laptop and tapped away at the keyboard. After around thiry minutes she was staring at her screen with her eyebrows knitted together. The police database she had hacked into was vague, sure enough Tara had a restraining order, but for some reason she couldn't see who for. She did a little more digging, but nothing. Whoever Tara had filed that order against was very protected. Bailey pulled out her phone and dialled the number on her screen and brought it to her ear.

Bailey 'The Bullet' TellerWhere stories live. Discover now