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When Unser came back into the station the next morning, Bailey was out of the cell. She'd managed to convince Hale to let her sit in the office with him. They just spoke a little and listened to music, but she spent most of her time sitting on one of the office chairs spinning herself around slowly.

"Havin' fun?" Wayne chuckled.


"Welcome to my world." Unser joked.

She had to wait around for another half hour. She'd been able to brush her teeth with some tiny disposable toothbrush that Wayne had given her, but she was dying for a shower. As the clock flicked to 8.15, she sighed and swung her chair to face Hale.

"Did my weed card check out?" She asked with a smile.

"Yup." He chuckled.

"Does that mean I can have my weed back?" She smirked.

"Not while you're in custordy."

"But it's medicine."

"Where you gonna smoke it?" Hale asked curiously.

"On the front steps." She shrugged.

"You're gonna smoke weed on the steps of a Police station?" He asked, amused.

"It's legal weed." She pointed out.

"Jesus Christ." Hale sighed as he reached into his desk draw. He opened the little ziplock bag containing her prerolled joints and threw her one. "Only because you're goin' the hospital." He warned as he stood up from his seat and walked towards the front door. "Cmon then."

Bailey sat smoking her joint for a few minutes, enjoying the fresh air. Hale had been stood by the door behind her, just making sure she didn't make a run for it. But he doubted she would. She had been relatively calm throughout her night in the station. Apart from calling to Hale to let her sit in the office with him, instead of in a cage that 'wasn't fit for a dog', as she'd put it. But Hale sat down next to her and eyed her for a moment.

"Is the card actually legit?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah. Had it since i was fifteen." She chuckled.

"Can I ask what it's for?" Hale asked carefully.

"I used to have real bad anxiety. Caused migraines and shit." Bailey shrugged.

"You had anxiety?" Hale laughed, shocked.

"Oh yeah, real bad. Generalise Anxiety Disorder. Made me a ratty bitch, tired and angry all the time, couldn't sleep, didn't eat much. Got into fights at school, me and my mom argued a lot, me and Jax too. Was just really on edge all the time."

"Was it caused by somethin'?" He asked.

"No, I don't think so. Brain always went a lil quick for thoughts to process. Mix that in with usual teenager hormones and something just switched." She shrugged.

"How'd you get the card so young?"

"Mom took me. She had the same kinda problems when she was younger. Gave me a bit of a joint a couple times a day, after a week I was back to normal, sleeping and eating just fine. So she took me to the doctor. Managed to pull my head out my ass and finish school early. Could finally focus."

Just as Bailey finished speaking she heard the welcomed sound of a Harley rumbling down the road. Hale chuckled slightly as he rose to his feet and stepped back to the door. She was confused at first, but once she saw Juice a smile spread itself across her face. She watched as he pulled up, smiling slightly when he saw her on the steps, quickly took his helmet off and hung it by hers on his handle bars. He rushed over to her.

Bailey 'The Bullet' TellerWhere stories live. Discover now