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After dinner, everyone helped Gemma tidy up a little until half of them got told to get out of the way, and they all gathered in the living room. Bailey was handing out beers while all of the seats were being taken, Juice was sitting on the arm of the couch and right after she passed him another beer he slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her to sit between his legs. She'd almost instantly interlocked her hand with his, that was resting on her hip, and leant her back into his chest.

They stayed there for about two hours. Talking happily to the others. Both Bailey and Juice were yawning away every few minutes, by the time Opie stood up and started saying his goodbyes.

"Tired, Beautiful?" Juice asked softly, his chin leaning on her shoulder.

"Yeah." She chuckled slightly.

"Me too." He smiled.

"You wanna go home?" She asked as she turned her face towards his.

Juice looked over her face as he smiled softly. He never thought this would happen. Never thought he'd get the chance to hold her around her family or the guys. Never thought that everyone would just look over it like it wasn't happening, like they did with the other couples he'd seen over the years. Of course, the guys had made a few teasing comments here and there, but it was all welcomed playfulness. But as he nodded slightly while taking in every detail of her face, and she pressed her lips to his softly, he realised he really did belong to her.

Bailey stood up and gently took Juice's empty beer bottle. As she wandered over to Gemma and Luann, Juice stood up and shrugged his jacket and kutte back on. Opie hung around the doorway for them after Juice told him they'd ride back with him, while Bailey grabbed her bag. Both Gemma and Luann squeezed Bailey half to death, and then they surprised Juice by doing the same to him.

"If you need anything, come see me, Sweetheart." Gemma uttered to Juice as she hugged him.

"Thanks, Gemma." Juice nodded.

"Make sure you come to the studio!" Luann called after them as her and Gemma saw them out.

"We will, Lu." Bailey laughed while putting on her helmet.

"Look forward to it." Juice chuckled.

"Me too." Bailey winked at her Aunt.

As Bailey held onto Juice and they pulled off behind Opie, Gemma and Luann shared a small smile and laugh. The ride to Opie's was the most relaxed Bailey had felt all day, the cool night breeze and the calming sound of the boy's bikes while she hugged onto Juice.

The Club House was completely empty when they got there, everyone still at Gemma's. Just as Bailey climbed off the back of Juice's bike and hung her helmet on her own bike, Juice caught her hand gently. He turned her to face him, his hand cupped her cheek as she looked up at him. She looked nervous, worried, like she didn't know what he was about to say.

"No need to look so scared." He chuckled slightly as he dipped his head and pressed his lips to hers lightly.

"Just worried about you." She whispered as Juice leant his forehead against hers.

"As long as you're alright, i am." Juice smiled softly. "C'mon, I need a shave." He chuckled.

Juice had given Bailey a questioning look when they had gone into her bedroom and saw that his spare monitor had been plugged in and set up on top of a chest of draws facing the end of the bed But she just shrugged and gave him a small smile. She just patted the pillow in her lap and encouraged him to lay down.

Juice had never liked going to a barbers, even when he was a kid, he couldn't stand it. Hated people's hands on his face and guiding his head. But when Juice first moved to California, he had his mohawk cut in with cheap disposable razors, his head never completely smooth. She had shaved Happy and Jax, neatened up Opie, and she just looked at him. Patted the bed, changed the blade, and got a fresh towel, waiting for him to lay down for her. He hadn't wanted to do it at first. But Opie convinced him that she was gentle, that she was good at it, that Bailey and her Mom cut most of the guys hair. So he let her. Then he didn't do it himself with cheap razors again until she left. He sat on her bed every three days to have her shave his head and sometimes his face. He wouldn't even have to remind her or ask her. She would run her finger over his scalp or crane her head to check for the stubble and tell him to come whenever he was free.

Bailey 'The Bullet' TellerWhere stories live. Discover now