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"Have a good day, bud." Juice grinned down at Moby, who was packing his lunch into his backpack as Bailey pulled on her sneakers.

Moby grinned up at him and hugged around his middle. 'Bye, Uncle Juicy!' The boy chimed as he skipped away out the front door to Bailey's car.

"See y'at TM, Gorgeous." Bailey hummed against Juicy's lips.

"You sure y'alright t'drive?" Juice asked gently between kisses, concern on his voice.

Bailey had damn near fainted when she first got out of bed and then ran off to the bathroom to puke. Juice had tried his best to get her to call Tara, to let him take Moby to school instead, but she insisted she was fine and it was probably just from drinking soda right before she went to sleep.

"I'm okay, Juicy. Just needed to eat." Bailey chuckled against his lips. "See you later?"

"Uh huh." He hummed in agreement before running his tongue over her lip teasingly.

Moby went into school with no problems, but Bailey was called in to talk to the teacher. As she stood to the side of the corridor, outside Moby's classroom, she found herself wishing she hadn't worn her kutte. But the teacher was nice enough. She just wanted to make sure Bailey was okay looking after Moby and taking down the address the boy was staying at for Safe Gaurding reasons. Then she asked who else lived at the address and was happy enough to add Juice to the list to pick up Moby just in case Bailey couldn't get there.

Bailey drove out to the diner that Donna worked at. She had said she would be back in Charming before the kids went back to school, but Bailey hadn't heard from her yet, and Opie said that Donna hadn't gone to the house yet. So she was going to look for her. Bailey spotted her through the window the second she pulled into the parking lot. She had zero hesitation in walking in there and straight up to Donna, who was currently restocking the soda fridge.

"I'll have a big steamin' cup of Why-The-Fuck-Did-You-Not-Go-Home-Last-Night, please, Doll."

"Jesus!" Donna jumped at Bailey's clear voice. "The hell'a you doin' here?"

"Lookin' f'you... obviously." Bailey smirked. "I'll have a coffee too, though, please."

Bailey sat up on a stool by the counter with a coffee in her hands, and Donna leant the other side facing her. They briefly caught up before they fell into a comfortable silence in between topics. That's when Bailey took her chance. There were no words needed. She just took off her sunglasses, brow raised, and a questioning smirk on her face.

"My brother gave me some cash to crash in a motel." She eventually sighed.

"Donna." Bailey groaned. "Ope's tearin' himself apart. Thinks y'gonna divorce 'im."

"M'not gonna." The smaller woman answered quickly. "I just - I just needed another day or two."

"You have until tomorrow night, or m'tellin' him y'here. He's worried." Bailey said seriously. "Or at least call 'im. He'll stay at the Clubhouse if y'ask."

"Fine. Fine, I'll call 'im on my break." Donna caved.

"Now's a good time for a break."

"I hate you."

"I know."

Bailey had gone to TM to find Juice after his morning shift to get him to bring the van to her moms. She had looked around to try and find him, but she couldn't see him or the van. Assuming he was out on a lunch run or doing Club stuff, she just headed over to her mom's, knowing he'd meet her there eventually. 

There wasn't actually much in her mom's house that she wanted to take to Juice's. She'd lost her sentimental attachments to things she owned whilst she was away. Living out of dufflebags seemed to do that. She'd give most of her things away if she ever stayed in one place long enough to accumulate more than clothes, but there were a handful of things she knew where in a lockbox under the bed that she'd be keeping safe.

Bailey 'The Bullet' TellerWhere stories live. Discover now