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Moby wasn't in school today, Lowell had said he could stay off if he wanted to since he was coming home later in the day. Of course, the young boy jumped at the chance not to go to school the day they gave homework and had happily slept in much longer than he would've if he'd had to go.

Bailey and Juice had made pancakes for breakfast. Moby had managed to get syrup in his hair, and Bailey had taken him to the bathroom to get it out before it dripped in his eye. As the pair were just coming out of the bathroom, there was a loud pounding at the door, which made Moby grasp Bailey's hand and freeze. Juice came out of the kitchen with a confused expression, 'Feds' he mouthed at Bailey, who instantly rolled her eyes.

"Hi, there." A woman's smug voice chimed the moment Juice opened the door. "I'm looking for Bailey 'Bullet' Teller."

"Why?" Juice asked plainly.

"Moby, go t'your room f'me." Bailey spoke softly and quietly to the boy, standing behind her thigh.

"You in trouble?" Moby asked, worried.

"I dunno yet, bud. I'll be okay, though." Bailey smiled reassuringly.

"I'm not a liberty to tell you that, Mr Ortiz. Is she here, yes or no?" The woman almost laughed.

"Go, buddy." Bailey repeated softly as she urged Moby down the hallway.

Once Moby had shut the door, Bailey moved towards the front door, which Juice was blocking and only keeping open enough so the agents could see him. She smoothed her hand over his arm, Juice looking back with a conflicted expression.

"S'okay, baby." Bailey hummed.

Juice sighed slightly and stepped back to let Bailey open the door. She wasn't even surprised to see June Stahl, and a suited guy stood on their doorstep. A small smirk on Bailey's face as she looked the woman up and down.

"Agent Stahl. What do I owe the pleasure?" Bailey chimed.

"You live here now?" Stahl asked smugly as she took in the outside of the house, her eyes skimming over Bailey's comfy clothes. "Y'know it's illegal not t'update your address?"

"It's new, but i'll get right on that." Bailey reassured  with a hint of mockery.

"You're needed down at the station, t'answer a few questions." Stahl chimed, clearly enjoying the bikers approach.

"Regaurdin', what exactly?" Bailey asked, chuckling.

"Where you were f'the last few years." Stahl shrugged.

"Feels like a waste'a time if y'ask me." Bailey chimed as she turned around with her hands behind her back. "Y'gonna look silly."

Juice looked just as confused as Bailey felt. But as that suited man clasped the metal cuffs around her wrists, she tilted her head to press a kiss to Juice's lips. 'Lowell's gonna pick up Mobes from TM at Three.' she reminded as the cop began to pull her towards the shiny Sedan parked just off their drive.

He stood stunned as that car drove off, Bailey in the back. Once that car was no longer in sight, he closed the door and ran his hand over his face. After he took a moment to compose himself, he turned around and walked to the spare room's door, knocking lightly.

"It's just me, Moby." Juice chimed happily. "Cops are gone."

The door creeked open to show the little boy. Still in his pj's and looking worried. His bottom lip trembled slightly, and he flung himself at Juice, hugging around his waist.

"Hey, it's okay. They're just takin' 'er to ask some questions." Juice reassured as he leant down to hug the boy back.

"Bailey's comin' back?" The boy asked shakily.

Bailey 'The Bullet' TellerWhere stories live. Discover now