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"Juice?! Juice!" Bailey yelled as she ran back down the stairs of the Club House, kutte replaced by a black zip-up hoodie, hair in a french braid to keep it out of her face and guns and knife holstered.

When they got back from the hospital they had all thought that Juice would have came running out with the bag of AK's ready. But he hadn't. His bike was parked outside, yet he was nowhere to be found. Not that they'd had time to look very well, Clay wanted to leave as quickly as possible to hunt the Ex Nord.

"Where the hell is Juice?" Jax asked as Bailey and Tig came jogging out of the club house.

"No clue." Bailey shrugged as she fastened her helmet.

"Wasn't answering, we shouted." Tig added and slung the bag of AK's over his shoulder.

"We'll be fine. Got enough guys." Clay reassured.

Everyone was around the back of the address they had been given for Johnny Yates. Noone had their kuttes on and all of them treaded lightly as they made their way through the shrubbery until they had a clear view of the house. Dogs in cages out the back with men preparing their food, and a couple guys with guns on the front porch.

"Looks like a full house." Jax acknowledged.

"Men on the porch are armed. Not sure about the ones in the back." Clay stated. "You take down the ones at the cages. I'll get the lookouts." He ordered Chibs, Tig and Bobby.

"Let's go." Chibs nodded to his little team and they made their way towards the dog cages, while Jax rummaged in the bag of guns.

"No clips." Jax stated annoyed.

"What?" Clay asked quickly.

"Goddamn empty." Jax said with a tight jaw.

"Jesus Christ, Juicy." Bailey sighed.

Clay picked up one of the empty guns as Bailey pulled out her glock with a silencer attached from her holster. Clay gave her a surprised but proud look, to which she just smirked and shrugged and started following Jax towards the house. Clay swung that AK like a bat to take down the first guy, while Bailey aimed her gun at the second. She was going to shoot if he raised his gun, or went to shout. But luckily Jax choked him out instead so he was unconscious on the front porch. As the three of them backed their bodies against the wall the rest of their members came up the other side of the porch. Clay throwing Tig the AK with a hinting expression.

"There's no clip. goddamn Juice." Tig sighed as he looked over the gun. But he quickly grinned when Bailey passed him her other gun. The baretta she was so fond of.

"Back door, counting twenty." Clay instructed.

Tig, Chibs and Bobby all disappeared around the back again, while Bailey mouthed dramatically as she counted to twenty.

"Eighteen. Nineteen." She mouthed.

On twenty Clay kicked the front door in, a similar bang echoing from the back of the house. As Bailey entered with her gun drawn behind Jax she froze. There were a group of people in the living room, all sitting around and reading the goddamn bible.

"Shit." Bailey sighed as she looked at her fellow Brothers. All slightly shocked as they pointed their guns at the Christian circle jerk.

Clay had convinced Yates to come and talk to them outside, appolosing for the loud entrance somewhere in his request. Much to the Son's surprise, Yates agreed instantly and his little pastor friend followed them outside. Then Yates went on to listen well and be nothing but polite as Clay explained their circumstances.

"I haven't acted out sexually in over three years." Johnny Yates said calmly. "I mean, all of these men will vouch for me. I'm a saved man."

"I guess we got some bad information. Sorry." Clay sighed. But Yates didn't seem too impressed. So Bailey spoke up, after all she's damage control now. Right?

Bailey 'The Bullet' TellerWhere stories live. Discover now