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"You mean we gotta dig it up?" Half-Sack asked nervously as he stood at a fresh pile of dirt in the middle of the cemetery.

"Who said anything about we?" Bailey asked amused as she handed the prospect a shovel.

"Jesus Christ." Sack sighed as Juice, Jax, and Chibs laughed.

"Put y'back into it, pal." Jax teased before he gestured for Bailey to follow him.

Bailey went without a second thought and followed her brother back towards the van and bikes. He lit her a cigarette and handed it to her with a smile before lighting one for himself.

"Appreciate you backin' me on this." Jax said softly.

"Like you said, Brains before Bullets." She smiled.

"I feel like we jump to violence too easily now." Jax sighed as he watched Kip start digging.

"I know what you mean." Bailey nodded. "Shit breaks down when Outlaws start enjoyin' violence and crime. It's not loyalty that holds groups like the IRA together. Its fear. We can't be like that. Have to think first, weigh out the risks. Gotta be rules to this shit. Theres rules to the streets in the cities. All left up to Gangsters, men that can't be trusted, but they stick to it. People like us can't be killin' for no reason if people like them don't."

Jax looked at his sister with a confused look and proud grin. She was watching Half-Sack too, sunglasses on and hair in two loose French braids. He realised just how much she was like him, down to the way she held her cigarette and the thoughtful expression on her face that didn't hint at how she felt. Never mind her oversized reaper T-shirt and black bandanna tied around her head.

"When did you get so grown up?" Jax chuckled.

"I saw a lot, Jax. Did a lot." She sighed. "I remember Dad tellin' me that the Club had the power to save or destroy everythin' it touched." Bailey smiled. "I'd rather the first option."

"Me too." Jax smiled slightly. "I might have somethin' for you to read. I'm not done with it yet. But you'd have to keep it a secret. From everyone." He said vaguely. "One day, when I'm in charge, Bails. I need to know you're with me."

"Always, Bro." Bailey nodded. "Within reason."

"That's what I need." Jax chuckled as he slapped her shoulder happily. "You keep the Prospect workin'. Imma go secure Emily Duncan." He grinned as he pulled on his helmet.

"Secure." Bailey scoffed playfully.

"All about the Club, Darlin." He smirked.

"Uh huh." She laughed.

Just as Jax started his bike, Bailey rested her hand on the centre of his handlebars. He gave her a questioning look, but she pursed her lips slightly and sighed.

"I know I haven't been back long at all," She started, "but Clay? He's slippin', Jax. He knows he ain't got long on the bike. Won't be long before he gets scared." She half explained. "Men like Clay, they're like wolves when they're scared. Make bad decisions, maul those who are close or challenge their rank."

"Right?" Jax half asked.

"Y'need to keep an eye on him. Play your cards right. Make him think things are his idea." She advised. "He can't know y'talkin about bein' Alpha." Bailey said seriously. "Make sense?"


Bailey, Juice, and Chibs had been watching Half-Sack from afar. All leaning up the van or sitting on top of it. It was blaring hot, and Bailey felt a little bad for Sack for having to dig in this Heat. But then she chuckled slightly, as she remembered her Propecting days.

Bailey 'The Bullet' TellerWhere stories live. Discover now