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Tara and Jax came back to the Clubhouse, and Tara instantly ended up in some sort of power play with Gemma. Bailey had shot her mom a warning glare to tell her to leave it outside the Chapel, and to be fair to her, she did. They only exchanged a few words as Tara began setting up to get Cameron's bleeding and infection under control. The doctor had been a little surprised when Bailey began listing off the medication she had already given the irishmen and how they had already patched up one of the bullet wounds. She had Bailey put on fresh gloves, and Gemma woke Cameron up to give him the stronger antibiotics.

Tara thought Bailey and Jax had been messing with her when they told her that Bailey's boyfriend was named Juice. So when she was getting ready to plug the hole that the Rican man was currently blocking with his fingers, she pretended not to know his name.

"I'm gonna have, um -" Tara spoke in that soft, confident tone that she always did, looking at Juice and nodding at him slightly to introduce himself.

"Juice." The Rican grinned.

"Right, Juice, pull his finger out." Tara looked up at Bailey, across from her, with a small smirk. The Teller girls smile said, 'told you so' loud and clear. "Then I want you to stuff that gauze into the wound, then I'm gonna close it off with this clamp." She instructed Bailey, who nodded in agreement.

"Sure you know what you're doing?" Gemma asked coldly.

"Guess we'll find out." Tara glared right back at her.

"You ready?" Bailey asked.

Both Tara and Juice nodded. Though Juice looked a whole lot more uncertain. Bailey couldn't help but smile at his cute, nervous expression.

"One, two, three." Tara counted.

Suddenly, Jucie pulled his fingers out, and Bailey went to stuffing the gauze into the wound. She packed it tight and held it there for a second whilst Tara fasted the clamp, moving her fingers at the last second to limit the amount of time without pressure on the wound. When everyone pulled away, they shared a quick look, smiling in relief.

"Holy shit. Great job, Doc." Juice chimed as he hovered over Tara's shoulder. "Can I go and wash my hands and stuff?"

"Y-Yeah." Tara answered, a little stunned to have him ask permission for anything. "Hey, you did - you did great, Juice." She smiled slightly as he began to turn around. "You helped - You helped save his life."

"Thanks." He beamed proudly, his eyes flicking to Bailey's with a sense of pride in them.

"I'll be up t'shower real soon, babe." Bailey smiled wide back at him.

Juice smirked slightly as he opened that Chapel door, shot her a not-so discreet wink, and left. Shit eating grin still on his

"Mm-hmm. 'To shower'." Tara teased quietly after Juice left, the doctor just about noticing the look the couple had shared.

"Hush." The Teller woman shot as she read the man's vitals and prepped to take out the last slug.

"That was very sweet." Gemma smirked at Tara, referring to the comment to Juice. But Tara just scowled at the biker Queen. Clearly not believing a word she said. "No, I mean it." Gemma nodded. "That guy's not used to good feedback. Unless it's from that one." She said seriously and pointing at Bailey.

"He gets lots of good feedback from me." Bailey quipped.

"Okay, I'm a little out of my element here." Tara spoke fast. "I'm not quite sure how all this works."

"For now, you keep him alive." Said the older woman. "Beyond that...I got no idea how this works." She shrugged before leaving the room.

It was a few moments later that Tara and Bailey silently pulled the last slug from Cameron's ass. It was strange how well they worked together without uttering a word. Tara was actually quite impressed with Bailey's stitching as she got weirdly into it.

Bailey 'The Bullet' TellerWhere stories live. Discover now