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The first thing Bailey realised when she woke up was how heavy her body felt and the pain in her head. She groaned softly to herself as she rolled over in Juice's arms and buried her face in his neck to hide from the early morning sun. What she hadn't realised was that Juice was already awake.

"You okay, beautiful?" Juice asked her sweetly, his voice barely above a whisper.

She hummed in agreement and opened her eyes slightly. The bedsheets had changed colour. No longer the silky red that they usually were in her dorm. They were black. She sat up slowly to look around, and her sleepy eyes squinted with confusion. The pile of old bedsheets on the floor. Used towels on top of them. Condom wrappers littered around.

"Oh my god." Bailey uttered, shocked, a small laugh leaving her lips as memories from the night before poured into her head.

On her knees beside Emily, both licking and sucking at Juice's cock. The women licking through eachothers soaked folds. Guiding Juice's dick into Em as she grinded against the Crow Eaters tongue. The three of them all taking turns on eachothers mouths and throbbing cores. The filthy kisses between them, swapping the taste of eachothers release. How much the three of them came, until their bodies felt heavy and shook. Then how desperate and drunkely Juice had fucked Bailey as they cleaned up in the shower after Emily left. Uttering how much he loved her, and how he couldn't believe how he got so damn lucky. How he dropped to his knees after he filled her with his release, loving the taste of them together as he licked, sucked, and fingered her until she came hard and he hungrily swallowed down the harsh spray of sweet liquid that erupted from her.

"I thought it might've been a dream." She laughed softly.

"Definitely happened." Juice chuckled. "Lay back down, baby. Want a lil longer with you." He hummed gently as he pulled her closer.

Bailey happily complied, slinging her leg over his naked waist to get as close as possible. Juice was a little nervous before Bailey had woken up. Once all the things they did flooded into his head, much like they had hers, when he first opened his eyes. He worried she'd regrett it. Yes, they had briefly spoken about it before, but they had never really outlined how they would want it to go if they ever did have a threesome together. And they definitely never planned it happening whilst they were both drunk. He'd been too drunk to really pass up the opportunity, and he knew she was a little impaired too. But once he heard the soft laugh escape her lips, he relaxed slightly.

"You okay with last night? I never really planned on that happenin', never mind us both drunk." Juice asked softly as he sleepily stroked over her hair.

"Yeah, babe. Ain't regrettin' it, don't worry about me." Bailey reassured. "Are you?"

"Was so damn good." He grinned, his eyes barely open. "Still can't believe how calm y'are with shit like that."

"Love that we can be so open 'bout fantasies with eachother." She shrugged a little. "Perks o'bein' best friends, I guess."

"Such good perks." Juice nodded as he pressed his lips to hers softly. "Y'look so fuckin' good eatin' pussy." He teased softly against her lips.

"Hopefully not as good as I do suckin' you." She laughed gently.

"Hmm, never. Belong on y'knees f'me." Juice taunted playfully.

"Good job I love bein' there then, huh?" She purred.

"Definitely." He nodded in agreement, nipping at her bottom lip seductively. "Still want y'to myself most of the time." Juice warned playfully.

"Don't worry, baby. Don't want it t' happen a lot." She agreed. "Us at home, in our bed an' completely alone, is my favourite place."

Juice's face lit up with a megawatt grin. A soft chuckle leaving his throat. It was clear she had said something that made him extremely happy, but for the life of her she couldn't pin point what it was. It wasn't until she gave him a confused look that he half explained.

Bailey 'The Bullet' TellerWhere stories live. Discover now