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"Bails." A voice hissed.

The biker opened one eye and turned her head to see Jax, Juice right behind him too. Both looked a little too amused and decked out head to toe in unmarked black clothes. Smiling wide at her between the cream painted bars of Unser's cage in the abnoxious magnolia room.

"Mornin', Beautiful." Juice greeted under his breath as Bailey stood up and moved to the bars.

"Hey, baby." Bailey smiled with a hushed tone as she pressed herself up the bars to kiss him through them. "What you guys doin' here?" She asked Jax.

"Checkin' Luann knows what t'say and you an' Cherry are good." Jax shrugged. "You bein' charged?"

"Nah, m'good t'go in the mornin', Mercs faked private flight logs to cover me from New York to England when I joined. They pressin' anyone else?" Bailey smiled as she felt Juice snake his arm through the bars to run his hand across the exposed skin of her back.

"Tried Donna an' Tara." Jax chuckled quietly as he eyed the slight bruising on her lips and the slit in the bottom one.

Rosen had told them that Bailey had baited Stahl into hitting her, and he had a strange wave of pride wash over him. But that was quickly dissolved when she turned her head to press a soft kiss to Juice's lips between the bars. As much as he now quite liked Bailey and Juice for eachother, it still sometimes made his skin crawl to see them making out, or know they'd been fucking. Still having a hard time remembering that she was a grown ass woman and not his baby sister in High-school.

"Was Lowell an' Moby okay?" She asked the Rican softly, her lips gentle against his.

"Yeah, baby. Moby wants y'to go see him when y'can." Juice smiled. "I'll come get you in the mornin'."

"Thank you." She hummed before pressing her lips to his again.
"Jax, you gotta-you gotta take me with you, man. Please." Cherry begged in the cell beside them.

"I can't." Jax insisted.

"That bitch wants to send me back to Nevada." Cherry said quickly, her voice slightly panicked. "I'm gonna do hard time, like a hundred goddamn years. I can't do that." But Jax didn't look too swayed by the idea, Bailey and Juice watching him for his reply. Yet, Jax didn't get the chance, because Cherry had another approach."Your mom's right. I'll rat if I stay in here. I'll rat!"

"Shut up." Bailey hissed as she broke away from Juice.

"Come on! Please. Please take me with you." Cherry begged sweetly. Jax's eyes going between Cherry and Bailey. The youngest Teller sighing as she nodded slightly. "All right, shut up." Jax agreed and got to work unlocking the cell Cherry was now bouncing from foot to foot in.

"Take 'er t'the cabin, we can send 'er with Cameron." Bailey suggested. To which Jax nodded with a slightly irritated expression.

"C'mon, Juice. Put 'er down." Jax half joked as he slapped Juice's shoulder and guided Cherry out.

Juice grinned back at Bailey, eyes noticing the crumpled packet of cigarettes on the bed which was clearly empty. He pressed another sweet kiss to her lips and guided something into her hand. When they broke apart she chuckled softly as she saw his packet of cigarettes in her hand. She smiled up at him as she thanked him, and pecked his lips once more.

"Love you, Bee."

"Love you too, Nerd."

She was smiling like and idiot as she watched him walk away, he waved slightly to Luann as he went, 'bye, Sweetheart' Luann chimed quietly, all too happy to see Juice again. Just before he was out of sight he pressed a kiss to the tips of his fingers and blew it towards Bailey. A silly gesture that made her cheeks heat and stomach erupt in butterflies. The last thing she saw of him was that megawatt smile, dimples and squinted eyes.

Bailey 'The Bullet' TellerWhere stories live. Discover now