Chapter One: Fiery Spirit

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Hi! I'm so excited you've decided to read my book, and I can't wait to see your comments and feedback. I recently completely deleted a TMNT fanfic was not going well. Just starting from scratch!

Enjoy! Xoxo

To say you were tired was an understatement. Between school and work, you were completely exhausted.

You'd headed straight from your last class right to the pizza place, where'd you just finished your shift, and were now walking home in the lively streets of New York City. Even at 11:00 at night, the streets were full of people and life.

Of course, as a young woman, walking home alone, you were bound to find some trouble, especially if it was a routine occurrence.

And tonight just may have been one of those nights.

"Hey pretty thing." Slurs a drunken voice behind you. Your heart begins to race as you ignore the man, picking up your pace.

There were multiple people walking on the sidewalk around you, he wouldn't try anything...right?


You had failed to hear his footsteps until he was close enough to get his hands on your back. Shoving you forward, you stumble to the ground.

A wave of fear washes over you as you watch bystanders walk by, barely glancing at you.

Your yanked to your feet, two arms looped under your shoulder. You scratch at the skin, kicking your feet, but only did the man let go of you once you were in the darkness of an alley.

Nobody would find you here.

"Now why'd you gotta make this so difficult? Just relax." The man mumbles, grinning down on you.

"I'll teach you to relax when I shove my foot up your ass." You hiss, scrambling to your feet. You weren't going down without a fight.

The man chuckles, stepping closer. You don't hesitate to take a swing at him, planting your fist to his jaw.

His smirk falters, replaced by a look of anger. "You're gonna regret that."

Shit shit shit shit.

You barely had time to react before he dug his fingers into your forearms, making you yelp. You could feel blood trickling down your arm.

You squirm. "Get off of me!" You scream, instantly silenced by a an elbow to your jaw.

You scream out in pain, falling to the ground.

"You've got a fiery spirit, darling." He grunts, kicking you in the gut with an evil grin. "I'm gonna have to put it out."

"Fuck off." You growl.

The drunken man then harshly lands a kick to your face. You could taste the blood as your vision got blurry.

"I'm gonna have to teach you some manners, huh?" He grabs your hair, lifting your face to look at him. "Now let's get to the fun part."

You braced yourself, uncertain of what he was going to do to you, but it never came. Instead, you were dropped onto the ground, curled up in pain.

Muffled shouts filled your ears. You could make out another figure in the darkness, who had seemingly knocked your perpetrator to the ground. "Not cool, man." Hissed your rescuer.

You watch from the ground as the drunk scrambles to his feet and takes off running.

You shift your gaze to the other figure. Your vision was too blurred to make out the fine details, but something was odd about his shape.

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