Chapter Nine: A Fight to Remember

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When you'd woken up the next morning, you hadn't expected it to be by your blaring alarm. You usually didn't have alarms set for Saturdays, and it took you a moment to realize why you were hearing it.

You had your first fight today.

As if on cue, Big Mama comes into your room cheerfully. "Alright! This is going to be lovely! Change into your suit dear! Chop chop!"

Your heart begins to pound. "No."

As if for the first time, you see Big Mama frown. "No?"

"I won't do it."

The Yokai sighs. "I didn't want it to come to blackmailing but if you don't cooperate, I won't hesitate to kill the turtles. I will find them and I will take their lives."

There was no guarantee that she would find the turtles, but there wasn't a guarantee that  she  wouldn't either.

You bite your lip, grabbing your suit and heading to the bathroom to change.

When you emerge in the jumpsuit, your hair sleeked back in a tight bun, Big Mama couldn't help but smile. "Lovely. Ready dear?"

You'd never be ready for this.

You nod, following her from the hotel room. When you gotten down the elevator and to a hallway, you were confused upon seeing it as a regular hall. That's when you laid your eyes a swirling portal, different hues of colors dancing elegantly along the edges.

"Come come." She bustles, leading you through the portal.

After you been given two weapons of your choice, throwing knives and a regular knife, you'd been placed in a waiting chamber, a gate soon to be rising ahead of you. Your fingers traced the outline of the knives. You were so scared you were almost shaking.

But this was the only way.

As the gate began to rise, allowing you into the fight arena, you slowly masked your fear with a cold glare and emotionless composure. Come on, Y/n.

You had wondered if it was a Yokai or a human you were going to fight, considering Big Mama had promised a mixture of both. The question, however, was answered when a lizard-like creature steps from the other holding chamber, on the opposite side of the arena.

It was mostly human looking, only its facial structure was that if a lizard, and it's skin was dotted and painted as such.

Gripping your knives, you step forward, matching each step, as you got closer you could tell it was a guy.

You ignored the pointless commentary, and focused completely on the man in front of you. You worked to imagine him as someone awful. Someone who didn't deserve to live. But you couldn't do it.

You bite your lip, holding your throwing  knives steady. As soon as a loud "Begin!" Was heard throughout the stadium, you threw your knife.

Your opponent dodged, laughing smugly. "Really? You-" Before he could finish his sentence, your knife comes whizzing back, cutting his cheek, his spotted skin dribbling blood.

"They come back?" You say breathlessly, catching the throwing knife as it came for your hand. A mystic weapon?

A wave of confidence washes over you. Your father had taught you to throw knives for almost your entire life. You could do this.

Suddenly, your opponent was a few feet from you. He was charging and you could it was a spontaneous and pointless decision. He didn't have a planned course of action.

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