Chapter Ten: It Wasn't Traumatic

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Hey, so I told you guys I had another chapter in the works...and here it is!
Enjoy Xoxo



"Y/n? Come on!"

You had watched Leo and Mikey sprint towards you, and you had watched their lips move. But you could barely hear their voices.

"Y/n!" Leo pleads, snapping you from your thoughts.

"Leo?" You mutter.

You hear the overhead mic crackle. "Turtles? Get them!" Big Mama orders. Suddenly, the opposite holding gate creaks open.

"We have to go guys!" Mikey pleads.

You nod, your eyes darting back to the body beside you. Inhaling sharply, you look at him for the last time.

Your father.

Your hands find your knives which were still belted, and you accurately throw one towards an advancing 'Bell Hop."

He dodges it on its way and on its way back. Scowling, you catch your knife and follow after the two turtles.

"Ohmigosh! You have mystic weapon?" Mikey exclaims.

You had made it up the stairwell, and to the portal when your eyes landed on Raph. He was crouched in a small hiding spot, but upon seeing you, he rushes out. "Guys! This way!" He calls.

You all sprint after Raph, getting close to the hotel doors. You could see the turtle tank parked outside.

And then you were surrounded.

"I think you're trying to escape with something that belongs to us, turtles." A Yokai growls.

"I don't belong to anyone." You hiss, unpocketing your knives for a fight.

Another Yokai laughs. "Whatever you say princess."

Leo's eyes narrow. "You don't get to call her that." He mutters, charging the Yokai. And that's what began the whole fight.

You find a smirk on your lips as you take out your regular knife, a weapon your rarely used, and began to swat it towards your attacker.

He ducks a swing, only to leave his legs open for you to sweep. While he scrambled to his feet, your boot finds his face and he's knocked out cold.

"Where did you....learn to fight like that?" Raph asks, shoving a Yokai off of him.

"Long story. Let's go!" You hiss, an opening between the madness visible. You all sprint towards the door, kicking off Yokai as you made it to the Turtle Tank.

Donnie sat in the drivers seat, and as soon as the doors slid shut, Raph was yelling at him. "DRIVE DONNIE!"

Without hesitation, Donnie slams on the gas speeding away from the hotel, leaving your Battle Nexus career behind.

And your father.


The ride home was quiet. You had sat in the corner of the turtle tank, eyes glued to your lap.

Nobody dared to say a word until you'd gotten to the lair.

"Y/n?" Leo's voice calls, peeling your eyes from the ground to your boyfriend. All four brothers were stood in front of you, staring at you nervously.

"I uhm...I missed you guys." You croak. You wanted to hug them, cry into Leo's arm. But you couldn't shake the immense guilt that was swallowing you whole. "Thanks for getting me out."

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