Chapter Sixteen: Guess Whose Back?

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🎶Back Again! (I love Eminem>)
Hello! And it's time for act two! I'm currently trying to get access to the Rottmnt movie so I can correctly line up the events, so this chapter won't related to the movie. (It's related to plot, so it isn't random.)


A genuine smile had found your lips and nothing could get rid of it. As you left the sewers, your softball bag slung on your shoulders, you felt giddy. Like you were floating.

You had healed in time for your first practice, and there was nothing you had wanted more.

You wished Andy was able to be there, and it disappointed you that she had up and left college, leaving you behind. But you knew she was dealing with something, and it was none of your business.

After everything had settled down, the thoughts that you'd been trying to escape became harder to suppress. Andy leaving. The people you'd killed. The Battle Nexus. Your father. Your powers.

You'd started having nightmares again.

Nevertheless, softball never failed to brighten your mood and provide a temporary relief.

When you'd finally reached the fields at the college campus, your excitement had been turned into anxiety. You were a freshman in college, who had been doing online class's for a while.

You didn't know anyone.

You enter the chattering dugout with your head down, thankful that Donnie had reminded you to wear your contacts. You hang up your bag on the fence, removing your glove and a ball, looking around. Who should I ask to catch?

A familiar face suddenly catches your attention, April strolling into the dug out. "April!" You say suddenly, earning her focus.

"Y/n! I thought you said something about playing!"

"I didn't know you played at all." You admit bashfully, rubbing the nape of your neck. "Want to throw together?"

"Sure thing, let me get my stuff."

April hurries to grab her mitt before following you out to the grass. You get down on one knee, lining up your bodies before lightly tossing the ball.

"So how long you been playing?" April asks you, twisting the ball in her fingers before throwing it back.

"Since I was eight." You reply.

April nods. "This is my fourth year. I'm not very good."

You shoot her a reassuring smile, stepping back farther and get back on one knee. "Sure you are! I haven't seen you play yet, but I'm sure you're just fine."

Your throwing partner smiles.

As you continue to warm up, you talk about meaningless things, ignoring your teammates around you. When Everyone was finished, Coach Bailey and Assistant Coach Hayward calls everyone to the pitchers mound.

"Ladies, welcome to the first practice! I'm sure everyone is excited to start the season, yes?" Coach Bailey says cheerfully.

A series of 'yeahs' and cheers float around the group of you before the coaches continues.

"Well, I'm have high hopes for the lady lions softball team this year. To start the practice, I would like everyone to go to the position they play or excel in." Coach Hayward adds. "If there is more than one person at your position, take turns on each play you make."

You make your way to first base, one other person following behind you.

April hurries off to second base, and everyone else runs off to their positions.

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